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– How Jeff looks at a new property and determines what needs to worked on first. 1. With a high concentration of peas, as well as forage oats and soybeans, this is a great blend for your food plot. In half No. Annual food plots are a great addition to any landowners food plot strategy for holding and attracting deer, and can increase hunting opportunities in the fall. Thank you for sharing your experience. Come share your experiences and techniques with other professional and private deer managers. a few weeks after planting, we recommend broadcasting 100 to 150 pounds per acre of our winter rye. – Who Jeff Sturgis is and why does habitat work get him so excited. Also the concept of having multiple feeding plots on your property to help spread the deer out to hold more deer at any given moment. Great hunting property with excellent habitat and double high fence allows you to grow your own giant bucks and hunt them in a safe and secure setting. What Sturgis recommended, however, was something different. Joined Apr 15, 2020 Messages 183 ... We tried no-till buckwheat last year using Jeff Sturgis' method and either we screwed it up or it's not a good method for our situation (probably the former). 14 likes. Jeff has a wealth of information and resources pertaining to whitetail habitat and management. Featuring 5 different modules, whether you are a beginner or veteran food plot planter, this class has critical strategies that any food plotter needs. 3 0. Fimco ATV Sprayer. In 2012, he published his first book, Whitetail Success by Design. In 1996 Jeff planted his first food plot and began making habitat improvements in pursuit of quality herds that included mature bucks. We recommend using 100 to 150 pounds per ace, with a planting date of early to mid August. One of the topics they cover is an easy buckwheat no-till food plot that can be done with an atv. Curious to everyone's thoughts on linear lines of movement and using narrow but long food plots leading to Large feeding areas? IMO one always has to start with the big picture of how the mature bucks use the land based on the terrain, cover, food, and winds flow . In other words, there isn’t much Jeff hasn’t seen when it comes to managing land for whitetails. Ladino clover has been my go-to food plot planting for years, and I suspect that’s true for a lot of hunters. WHAT IS PLOTSTART? Has anyone else had the chance to read Jeff Sturgis book "Food plot Success by Design"? Even with the wealth of high quality planting instructions available today, food plots failures happen even to the best of us for a variety of the … Over the last couple of decades, Jeff Sturgis, founder of Whitetail Habitat Solutions (check him out on YouTube) and author of Whitetail Success by Design, has perfected an Ultimate No-Till Food Plot system that makes even good-sized soybean plots manageable for just about anyone. I have planted winter peas in the past but the deer wiped them out fast. This year Jeff Sturgis, with Whitetail Habitat Solutions, LLC, will be giving DeerGro's PlotStart a shot. Most of the work that goes into my no-till food plots is in the multiple trips to each plot site to kill off all existing vegetation. Jeff uses this blend as a green forage base for one side of all his food plots. What You’ll Learn In This Episode: – Are food plots and baiting the same thing? 3. - Jeff Sturgis | DeerGro Tips. After all, that’s the type of whitetail nirvana I’ve seen on TV countless times. Jeff uses this blend as a green forage base for one side of all his food plots. However, if whitetails have begun hitting No. 1 and consuming a large amount of the available greens, Sturgis will broadcast 100-200 pounds per acre of winter rye. He repeats this process on October 1; if the field shows bare soil spots due to heavy browsing from whitetails, he’ll broadcast 100-200 pounds per acre of winter rye. mainecheesehead 30-Mar-21. Are you experiencing this all-to-common season right now? ... he definitely knows what he's talking about. A kill plot is just that. $288,000. Factoring hunting and access routes into the locations of your habitat improvements. Turn-Key Hunting Property Designed By Jeff Sturgis. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 3290 W. Big Beaver Rd. Jeff offers a lot of explanation as to how deer (both does and mature bucks) eat, sleep, and travel. This particular edition is in a Paperback format. Here he is talking about food plot seeds, working his way up to talk about a particular seed that he says is so bad it should even cause hunters to avoid any seed company that has it in their blends! WHEN & HOW to LIME Food Plots? Whether you live in the deep south or way up north, these recommendations are sure to help you decide on the right fall food plot strategy for your property! Buddy has 230 acres in Centerville, MS that they are getting ready to clear cut (starting today). He also explains how to use food plots to influence the movement patterns of deer on your property. Jeff Sturgis has been teaching and advising land managers since the 1980s. 1, he’ll plant (per acre) 50 pounds of oats, 25 pounds of soybeans, and 100 pounds of peas. He’s worked in 26 states with approximately 800 clients. A community website for deer managers. As explained in the video, Sturgis is a firm believer in food plot diversity. Land Management Consultant Posted. All oaks will be left alone and some gums will be removed. The importance of sanctuary and the perceived security of deer. It’s not a “viewing” plot. -Mark Kenyon. Yamaha Grizzly ATV. It’s another video from Whitetail Habitat Solutions, this time talking about food plot seeds. It consists mostly of pines, gums and oaks. How to Plant the Ultimate No-Till Food Plot. 2. A 55 acre parcel in Pierce County, and 42 acres in Burnett County. Jeff Sturgis definitely has some strong opinions about deer hunting, and food plots are no exception. 2. Food Plots How To Plant And Design A Food Plot Program Web Class. He writes, consults and speaks frequently about deer habitat management and is the owner of Whitetail Habitat Solutions. My average hunting season is usually split 50-50% between the two. Why Jeff recommends linear food plots and how he chooses their paths. Food Plots To spray or not spray... Thread starter Weegee; Start date 58 minutes ago; 58 minutes ago #1 Weegee Well-Known Member. Many of our customers have asked for this blend, and its finally available. However knowledge has to be properly applied. Trickle rut 30-Mar-21. Jeff Sturgis has been hunting whitetail deer without guides or outfitters in several states, on public and private lands, since 1985. – How to avoid the “attract/repel” effect. ... After hunting food plots for a few days to put a nice big doe in the cooler, I slipped into that secret spot in hopes of seeing some bucks. The latest book from Jeff is now available here at Northwoods Whhitetails. – What creates a nocturnal deer herd on a hunting property. Each of his fields is divided in two, which I’ll call No. Packer Maxx PMX4STND Cultipacker. Whitetail Habitat Solutions owner Jeff Sturgis has come out with his second book. Discover Jeff Sturgis' passion for whitetail hunting and habitat design, from public land to private, mature buck stratagies to food plots to bedding areas. Only 2.5 gallons of the product (enough to cover up to one acre) has the equivalent pH-changing power as 1 ton of traditional lime, which may be enough to raise the pH a full point (i.e., from 5.5 to 6.5) in certain soils. 1 Hour Alfalfa Food Plot - With DeerGro's Jeremy Flinn. The pines were planted 30 years ago and thats what will be cut. He’s worked in 26 states with approximately 800 clients. Just mix PlotStart with water into your favorite backpack or ATV sprayer, and spray food plots with the solution. After Stressless pointed Jeff Sturgis out to me I have watched a number of his videos. This books publish date is Unknown. I was expecting Sturgis to lay out an intricate web of food plots connected by stands of grasses and security features. by TexasTiger1984. As most bowseason openers are already here or coming shortly to a woodlot near you, a more undesirable season is also upon us: Food plot failure season. The key to Sturgis’ no-till system is buckwheat. For decades, people have used it as a summer crop to improve the soil and prevent erosion. Sturgis’ eureka moment came when he discovered that he could plant directly into the standing buckwheat and then crush the plants down over the seeds, creating a mulch. 24.95 $. Jeff’s greatest gift to us, I believe, are the blueprints he has left us within these pages – providing us the instructions and tools we need to properly design and build our whitetail masterpiece.”. Wood Co, WI. Deer Managers. He also explains how to use food plots to influence the … 4. May 27, 2021 Suite 500, Troy, Michigan 48084 USA How to hold, grow and kill mature bucks using food plots. EarthWay Ev-N-Spred Hand Spreader. - DeerGro's Lime Alternative. Jeff Sturgis joined the guys from HUNTR on their podcast. I have been considering having a deer land management consultant come in and give me some advice on food plots (where and what to plant), stand locations, bedding locations, and other management practices. So whether you’re just getting started with your first food plot, or simply wanting to take After working on this blend with Jeff Sturgis of Whitetail Habitat Solution (WHS) we are excited to bring this blend to market. Sturgis’ first impression of the Back 40 after walking it during late August 2019. Whitetail Habitat Solutions - Jeff Sturgis; 9 West Timber and Consulting - Josh Cruse Books / Resources *Ultimate Deer Food Plots - Ed Spinazzola *Whitetail Success by Design - Jeff Sturgis *Food Plot Success by Design - Jeff Sturgis *Quality Food Plots - Your Guide to Better Deer and Better Deer Hunting by QDMA I've learned a lot about food plots and habitat improvements just watching his videos for free only wish I had my own land to work it on. We were unable to load Disqus. We’ve come a long way since I started, particularly in the area of no-till plots suited for the majority of hunters, who don’t have a lot of expensive equipment. The work has already been done to implement the plan with strategically placed food plots, well concealed box blinds, and stand access paths. Diversity within a plot=consistency: Sturgis also preaches the importance of diversity in food plots … Jeff offers a lot of explanation as to how deer (both does and mature bucks) eat, sleep, and travel. The title of this book is Food Plot Success By Design and it was written by Jeff Sturgis. 1 and No. A Quick View. Based on the fact that Jeff Sturgis is an accomplished whitetail property manager And author of 2 books on food plots I wondered if the high rate he uses could be a solution to the over grazing I experienced. “Yes, you should plant a … Jeff uses this blend as a green forage base for one side of all his food plots. You aren’t there to watch deer but to … Jeff Sturgis is a QDMA Life Member from Michigan and was the recipient of QDMA’s 2004 Al Brothers Deer Manager of the Year Award. With 3 forages deer love, this is a great blend for your food plot. It was published by Whitetail Habitat Solutions and has a total of 202 pages in the book. We recommend using 100 to 150 pounds per ace, with a planting date of early to mid August. Prime hunting tract designed by Jeff Sturgis and ready to hunt trophy whitetails! His food plot book covers topics such as: How to develop food plots that attract mature bucks during the daytime. By Jeff Sturgis. I picked up this method from Jeff Sturgis of Whitetail Habitat Solutions who has published multiple articles and videos on no-till food plot techniques. In half No. Mock Scrapes, and Water Holes This week Jeff Sturgis joins the guys to talk about his successful business Whitetail Habitat Solutions, techniques and strategies in land management, and his tricks to a successful hunting season. The number of poor food plot seed blends are many, and one of the best way to spot a really bad one, is if there is 1 basic seed... The 1 guaranteed truth about deer hunting facts is that deer hunting facts lie... I have Don Higgins book and a number of books from others. 2, he’ll plant a brassica mix. #14 - Jeff Sturgis - Food Plots. In fact, you don’t even need the rake. Jeff Sturgis Wisconsin. 0.53 acres +/-. on 1/16/21 at 2:07 pm. Trickle rut 30-Mar-21. Contributors to this thread: mainecheesehead 30-Mar-21. YouTuber Jeff Sturgis has had great success making mock scrapes by hanging vertical vines, and has ample video proof of their effectiveness in Wisconsin. 39.99. This month, we’re checking in with Jeff Sturgis of Whitetail Habitat Solutions to gain some insight on 5 tips for better food plots. Northwoods WHS Green Forage Blend.

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