And to my surprise, all we did to train off-hand dribbling was to dribble up and down and all around the basketball court with our non-dominant hand. How to Do a Crossover Dribble | Basketball Moves 2:06 MUST DO BASKETBALL DRIBBLING DRILL PT. This involves strengthening the legs and the lower body, improving the speed and the agility, improving hand-eye coordination and of course, building the stamina. How To Do A Crossover Dribble. Basketball Dribbling Drills To Improve Handles. The crossover move is a way of faking out other basketball players by rapidly switching the ball from one hand to the other and changing direction of travel. This is mainly used to wrong-foot the defender. 1 – Quicker and Tighter Handle Like The Pros – Pro Training 2:55 How to Dribble Faster | Basketball Moves 2:52 After covering the eyes, you need to dribble the ball for 1 minute. Using your right hand, complete a pound dribble on the side of the body followed by a crossover dribble through the legs. Hard dribbles. Get it to your hand as quick as possible. You're just going to go two hard dribbles. He's going to be in a good, athletic stance, sitting down. Head sitting in the middle. Two hard dribbles. Crossover. You ready? Go. Pound dribble. Jim Huber: Cross. Good. Jim Huber: Hard cross. Hard cross. Good. Practice Your Crossover! This is the most important and convincing part of the crossover dribble. To perform a crossover, ask the player to stay low and dribble the ball from the right to the left and vice versa. General step-by-step guide to doing a crossover dribble in basketball Dribble the basketball with your dominant hand (let's pretend you're right-handed for this example). #4 Freestyle Moves Drill (1 Minute) Here is your opportunity to be more creative. Hesitate. Now you can learn over 50 exclusive moves and drills to help you improve your crossover dribble! Then dribble the ball in front as if to cross over to the left side. Tips #2 and #3 you can learn in detail in my Ultimate Breakdown Moves ball handling and crossover program.You may want to also check out my tips on how to improve ball handling.. Are you a basketball player or do you want to learn how to play? As with the Speed Boost, the basic requirement to unlock the pro-dribble moves is having a ball-handle rating of 80. The simplicity of the move is what makes it so accessible to basketball players at any level but the best crossovers are done with equal parts quickness, technique, and a hint of the element of surprise. This “Killer Crossover” drill tutorial shows you how to develop some of the keys to ankle breaker moves that you see NBA players like Chris Paul, Rajon Rondo, Derrick Rose, Brandon Jennings and Kyrie Irving do in highlight mixes. It is a change of direction move, like the between the legs or behind the back move, where you dribble hard in one direction and then plant your foot, dribble the ball across your body to your other hand, and quickly change the direction of your move. Pound the dribble … With practice and workouts on your dribbling and ball handling you can develop some super nasty handles – fast. 1. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to do the simple crossover, let alone fancier dribbles. Hold the ball in your right hand. Advice the player to keep the crossovers low in a v-like motion. Turning your hips as much as possible in the direction of your step can make the movement more explosive. Here are your steps for the drill. And you just have to cover the eyes with the blindfold. The crossover dribble, if done correctly, can be one of the most devastating moves in basketball. However, it is also a great way to free oneself up for a scoring opportunity. To keep possession, your dribble must be strong and fast, and remember to keep the ball below knee-level. First and foremost, some basic conditioning is required in order to perform crossover dribbles effectively. This series will teach you how to create the ultimate space with your handles which will allow you to be more effective on the basketball court! The crossover is one of the most effective moves in basketball if done right. It’s too bad that most coaches don’t even teach their players how to use this move to make plays, but in this video today we will breakdown exactly how Jamal Crawford is able to use the crossover basketball move and break ankles on a consistent basis. Low dribbling allows you to maintain control of the ball with your dribbling hand. Practice low dribbling with each of your hands to improve your overall ball control. Crossover dribbling: This variation on stationary dribbling involves passing the ball back and forth between your left hand and right hand. These tips are only useful if you put in the time to work on your skills. Legs can either be together straight out in front of you flat on the floor or they can be in an upside down "V" like in the last drill, whichever you prefer. Your focus will be on ball control, staying low, and keeping your eyes up. Full Playlist: these Basketball Tutorials !!! Perform the same drill as above, but dribble the ball a couple times on one side of your body before bouncing it through to the other side. You can use different dribbles for your gather dribbles. To perform a crossover dribble as you’re dribbling the basketball, take a step with the foot that is on the same side as the basketball, push off that foot as if you’re going to go in that direction, and then push the basketball across the front of your body to the other side. Always work on dribbling harder. And one of the tricks that you can learn is the crossover dribble. It is the primary tool used by the point guard while travelling up the court under defensive pressure. The way that the basketball crossover move is taught these days is outdated and ineffective. How to do the KILLER CROSSOVER dribble in Basketball 1:25 [Ep. Continue to the next cone and crossover left to right hand. That is the crossover drills that you can work on at home, displayed by the Roadrunner, easy and effective. 13/15-16] Inside The NBA (on TNT) Full Episode – 2016 NBA All-Star Starters Recap/Shaqtin' 10 37:45 Top 10 NBA Plays: December 31st 2:32 Complete this pattern 10 times and then complete it 10 times using your left hand. Dribble the ball as hard as you can, and dribble the ball low. Practice crossover dribble basketball drills. - Do you want to improve your ability to get past the defense? Crossover pass behind. Through the Leg, Crossover into a Cross Jab: 10 Reps Each Side. Roll the right hand over the top of the ball and bring it back to the right. How to Improve Off-Hand Dribbling. Complete the rep with a crossover jab protecting the ball with your body. This is a quick three-dribble drill that will improve your ability to counter and react quicker. In basketball, the crossover is a commonly used tactical maneuver against encroaching defense players. This drill will improve the quickness of your hands when dribbling the ball. Dribble with your fingertips, not the palms of your hands. Well, since basketball became famous, there has been plenty of technique that you should learn about playing basketball. Soccer players quickly learn that close dribbling is actually more difficult … Follow up with the crossover dribble by bouncing the ball in front of you, between your feet. Catch the ball with your other hand and keep dribbling. Given the space, approach your defender slowly with small steps, take the time to read your opponent's position Learn To Create Space With Your Crossover! The best way to improve your dribbling skills and become a better ball handler is to practice a series of basketball drills focused on the art of dribbling. Here are six dribbling drills for players of any level: Hand placement practice: You need to use your whole hand to dribble a basketball properly. How to do the KILLER CROSSOVER dribble in Basketball 1:25 [Ep. This drill is important to get the feel of rolling the hand over the top of the ball and can help with the “in-and-out” dribble move. Dribble packages are another key component that many 2K players equip to elevate their game to the next level. A Crossover is a move which occurs when a player moves the ball from one side of their body to the other with a single dribble. Be sure you check out my full crossover dribble tips article for more details on these tips. Also, without it, you’d most likely get the ball stolen every time because defenders will sniff out your inability. On this page you will find Basketball Crossover Tips which are very important because they improve ball handling and help you do things in a right way. Confined Dribbling Drills. For this exercise, stay in place and switch hands back and forth while you dribble the basketball. As they dribble by the cone, take a big, quick step with the right leg to get the leg between the cone (defender) and the ball. First, dribble the ball in front and tap it with your two hands. Slightly bend your knees and keep a straight back. We didn’t have to dodge bean bags (is that a thing anymore) or dodgeballs while dribbling at all (although that does sound kinda fun). But you can develop your crossover dribble—by practicing the move [obviously], but also by enhancing your athleticism, improving your ability … Below are some of the fundamentals of a great crossover step: Arm work. The gather dribble is the through the legs dribble while taking your fake step, and the cross is your quick crossover dribble. … Start on the right side by taking two tap crossover dribbles from right to left. When performing the double cross over, position yourself near the free-throw line and pound the ball, because once you pound it, it will allow you to explode a little bit quicker and shoot. 13/15-16] Inside The NBA (on TNT) Full Episode – 2016 NBA All-Star Starters Recap/Shaqtin' 10 37:45 Top 10 NBA Plays: December 31st 2:32 You can use more than one gather dribble before you take your fake step. Learning how to dribble a basketball is imperative to becoming a skilled and talented basketball player. Your arms pulling in the opposite direction of the step with your wrists relaxed will help you move... Hip rotation. Keep your head up. When the ball is … To perform a crossover dribble as you’re dribbling the basketball, take a step with the foot that is on the same side as the basketball, push off that foot as if you’re going to go in that direction, and then push the basketball across the front of your body to the other side. That’s it. When done correctly, you’ll find it very effective in improving your player’s speed, fingertip control, and accuracy. Exercise Set-Up: Step 1: Dribble the basketball from one hand to the other until you feel confident to move on to step 2. Keep the ball under control. The crossover dribble is one of the most effective ways to maintain control of the ball against heavy pressure, or, while attempting to go by your man. Dribble With A Blindfold; Next, we have the blindfold technique to improve dribbling drills. Band Crossover on Chair: Adding the Power Assume an athletic stance 6 to 8 inches in front of a chair. Crossover Dribble . Then two taps in the back, and then you start rotating the tapping. Before we look at the first set of drills, lets quickly … Keep your head up while you dribble. Crossover dribbles front. Dribbling a basketball effectively can help position a player to begin the flow of the offense, escape from a harassing defender, and get around a screen to open up passing and shooting options, amongst other advantages. This speeds up your dribble and makes it harder for defenders to reach and steal the ball. Being able to dribble with your off-hand is an essential basketball skill. Start with ball in the right hand and dribble at the cone crossing over from right to left at the first cone. Crossover-Dribbling improves your ball handling and stamina. Low dribbling: This stationary dribbling drill involves establishing a low center of gravity and using … Go and attack the chair. Don’t slap at the ball, instead allow the ball to hit your fingers, and then push the ball down using your wrist and your forearm. Check the video above to have a concise instruction. This technique might not seem helpful, but it will improve the tangibility of the ball. After an initial dribble, place your dominant hand on the outer side of the ball. Start with the right hand and dribble once on the right side. Learn how to use this great crossover dribble drill in order to improve your players' skills and movement on the basketball court. Dribble the ball below the waist and stay under control at all times Stay in speed position with knees slightly bent, back straight and head up at all times Perform the crossover dribble …
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