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rocket attacks in vietnam

One sapper was captured. Shrapnel sprayed all over our area only 30-50 yds away. A group of House Democrats hostile to Israel is drawing fire from party colleagues for criticizing the Jewish State as it defends itself against Hamas-launched rocket attacks. Of the many attacks on the Danang airbase, the artillery attack on the morning of July 15, 1967 was the most devastating. The physician was killed. Daytime 122 mm rocket attack. The barracks burned to the ground after the rocket attack. This pamphlet provides an example of "B" Detachment's work. Surprise attacks by elite Communist units known as sappers were one of the most serious—and feared—threats to Americans in Vietnam. That was the only rocket … 30 min. DaNang had the unenviable reputation of absorbing frequent rocket attacks, hence the nick-name “rocket city.”. and 107-mm. WASHINGTON, DC - I condemn today's rocket attacks by Hamas against civilians in Israel. Rocket attack midnight. I spent most of my time in Vietnam with Company D, 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry, 196th Light Infantry Brigade. C-2 (Charlie 2), was a small fire base about 4 miles south of the DMZ, and about 3 miles South of A-4 (Con Thien). But the team’s visit to Vietnam was also an opportunity to rebuild the diplomatic relationship between the former warring nations. Starting on 23 February 69, with the commencement of the post-TET offensive and lasting for approximately one month, Chu Lai received eleven attacks by indirect fire. Both men remembered this particular Rocket Attack on FSB Kelly in December of 1970. rockets, fired without warning from the surrounding area, rained down on the U.S. camp. 146 likes. The time was 3:10AM on February 27, 1967 that I was introduced to Soviet surface to surface rockets. Da Nang, Vietnam, Camp Tien Sha, 351 Days in Da Nang. During the spring of 1971 the NVA launched frequent and heavy indirect fire attacks against Fire Support Bases A4 and C2. The photo below was july of 68 and is the fuel dump on fire at Camp Bearcat . Rocket Attack Warning Notice Photo by: Paul Jacob 366th AMS. Tim Quinlan The Mighty Quinn 68-69 Sounds of Danang Danang Tower Traffic around 10/3/71 from Ed Burchard . One 122 mm rocket penetrated a bunker and exploded inside. Rocket Attacks and Captain Audio (August, 1969 and April, 1970) submitted by Bruce Hill . What is happening in Gaza and Jerusalem today is not a struggle over the freedom of worship. An ARVN reaction unit recovered our first 122mm rocket, complete with a DKZ-B fuze. We had been receiving heavy incoming rounds in recent weeks, but I remember that we were especially uneasy as darkness arrived. The rocket caused the death of 29 troopers and wounded an additional 33. 4. mortar/rocket attacks by elements of the 78th VCMF (Rocket) Bn against Chu Lai Base. I received Bronze Star "V" for my actions the night of the four base (Phouc Vinh, Lai Khe, Dau tieng, Phu Loi) rocket attack - first time used in II Corlps. The first military installation in South Vietnam to be attacked by 122mm rockets was Camp Carroll in early March 1967. Cam Ranh was a huge U.S. military installation. He is interred in Arlington National Cemetery. A rocket-propelled grenade can be an individual’s weapon, but it is more likely to be operated by a team. Quan Loi Basecamp, Vietnam Operations Center for 2nd Battalion /12 Cavalry First Cavalry Division. 1 talking about this. But Iron Dome failed to intercept the projectile late Tuesday resulting in a major pipeline belonging to an Israeli state-owned energy company was hit in a rocket attack. Sunday, June 6, 1971 Da Nang (Letter Home) Standby till Monday Deskin drunkerrrrr! Association - Vietnam. I personally was a target of three night rocket attacks at Da Nang in 1967 when assigned to the Death Angels of Marine All Weather Fighter Squadron two thirty five. *** The first time that rockets were used in RVN by the Viet Cong/North Vietnamese Army. All attacks from 02/27/67 forward were by rockets. Vietnam War veteran Brian E. Will works out three times a week at the Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Rehabilitation Center at the VA Medical Center in Buffalo. Heavy explosions and fires on the base. Association - Vietnam. Back to Stories. These three pictures (left and above) were taken in the vicinity of II Corps Headquarters. Thirty rounds of 122-mm. The 25th Infantry Division's major admin and logistical base camps located at Cu Chi, Tay Ninh, and Dau Tieng had come under frequent stand off mortar and rocket attacks during the reporting period. Rocket attack in the Long Tau River 13 miles southeast of Saigon. Rocket Attack on FSB Kelly: Preface: The following two stories by Sergeants' Ollerton and Powell were written at different times of their lives, independent of each other. However, all of these attacks were minor in nature, involving small amounts of ordnance and were conducted more for harrassment than any other purpose. In July of 1967, the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong had a new advantage to exploit in their attacks on the Đà Nẵng Airbase. 45. An AC-47 on station at the time forced the VC to abort their attack and abandon some equipment. Delta Co. First Platoon is engaged in a daytime sweep in the area known as "The Claw" when it runs into a dug-in force. Comments: I was an intelligence officer with the 16th TRS at Tan Son Nhut from Nov 1965 to Jan 1967, and was also there for the first (mortar) attack on the base and some later (B47 rocket) attacks as well. At least 10 Katyusha-type rockets slammed into the Ain al-Asad airbase located in Anbar province in Western Iraq on the morning of March 3. It is politically motivated violence intended to incite even more violence and conflict. Recorded on a reel-to-reel tape recorder. That night the Viet Cong fired 56 Rockets at the base that damaged 13 Aircraft and killed 11 Americans and wounded 124 others. Affecting all units and personnel was the increase in VC and NVA mortar and rocket attacks on the base. It was a dirty, wet, miserable job repairing the aluminum-plated runway under fire at the Khe Sanh marine base in northwestern Vietnam. SS Robin Grey was the only merchant ship hit by rocket or rocket-grenade causing minor damage and wounding one merchant seaman. Fires started from secondary blasts by bombs and fuel. One such attack occurred in April 1967, when the NVA made plans to overrun the combat base at Khe Sanh. During an attack on C2, May 21, 1971, the BN suffered it's heaviest casualties during a single engagement. Among the most effective and feared weapons of the communist North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong insurgency during the Vietnam War was the rocket-propelled grenade, commonly known as the RPG. 2-27-67 . “My friends from high school were being drafted and I had friends who’d gone to Vietnam,” said Green in an interview in 2001. I experienced rocket attacks, an ammunition dump explosion, total boredom, drug busts, police raids, China Beach, and the birth of my daughter, Rebecca. I also made life long friends. I joined the Navy Reserve and went to Viet Nam anyway. Hercules 61-2642 had just had its load of munitions unloaded as two of its engines required maintenance when it was hit by a 122mm rocket. During the first attack the ramp around the RF4Cs in the squadron was an inch deep in JP-4, and we were very lucky it never caught fire. An attack on February 24, 1971 destroyed a C-130 and damaged others nearby. At one time or another, almost every individual in the 1/11 Inf, 1/61 Inf, 1/77 Armor, 5/4 Artillery, 4/12 Cav, and the "line" platoons of A Co, 7th Engineers spent some (or a … The attack also killed 35 ARVN troops and wounded 50 others. Dec 8, 2014 - Military Photos uploaded from members and Veterans. 122 mm rocket damage. Rocket Attack Da Nang Sept 1969 Posted by Don and Sher at 10:01 AM. For the first time in South Vietnam, they would employ 122mm rockets with a range of 7.5 miles. Initial reports indicate the attacks killed one civilian contractor and injured several members of the Coalition, including one American service member and several American contractors. Sounds of Danang. On 14 April 1966 a Viet Cong (VC) mortar attack on the base destroyed 2 RVNAF aircraft and killed 7 USAF and 2 RVNAF personnel. It almost seemed safer on a … U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the rocket attacks from Gaza against Israel should stop 'immediately,' and he urged all sides to take steps to de-escalate the situation. Vietnam Rocket City 1971-1972, Palm Bay, FL. He said between 80 and 90 militants had been killed in Israeli attacks. The attacks on Biên Hòa, Bien Hoa Air Base and Long Binh Post, occurred during the early hours of 31 January 1968 and continued until 2 February 1968. These photos are personal military photos from the Veterans and of the Veterans that served to protect this great country. In the darkness of the early hours of … Back to Stories. In the early hours of the 21st a C-130 was destroyed and three more aircraft damaged during a Viet Cong rocket attack on Da Nang. Images of gunships firing in the distance, the rumbling of B52 bombings on the countryside, the nightly rocket attacks from the insurgents—it becomes a daily routine. Attacks on US targets did occur but usually this was the result of individual attack as an all-out offensive was to all intents out of the question. I remember the rocket attack, as well;I had 27 days to go until I rotated back to the states. A rocket attack on an American troop in Danang, Vietnam on 8 April 1970. Rocket attack just before landing Rigged 073 before I left 1 mission DCS, 038, 2 hrs. SAIGON, South Vietnam, Monday, Feb. 2—The United States command said today that Vietcong and North Vietnamese forces staged more than 70, Irocket, mortar and ground at tacks in South Vietnam … A projectile, weighing several pounds … This article focuses on the radio station operated by the 7th PSYOP Detachment in Pleiku and an enemy attack in March 1968 that temporarily silenced its broadcasts. The time was 3:10AM on February 27, 1967 that I was introduced to Soviet surface to surface rockets. Our primary mission was to keep the North Vietnamese away from the airbase in Da Nang. February 22, 1969. More than 150 rockets smashed into the sprawling Tan Son Nhut air base beginning at 4 A.M. DA NANG A.B. Following a mortar and rocket attack, the perimeter of the Bien Hoa Airbase was penetrated. Interview with Ken Shands, Anzac Day 1996, Melbourne 6. mortar/rocket attacks by elements of the 78th VCMF (Rocket) Bn against Chu Lai Base. AIGON, South Vietnam, Tuesday, April 29 — Saigon's airport came under the heaviest rocket attack of the war early this morning as North Vietnamese troops assaulted parts of the city's suburbs. Throughout the first week of May, many U.S. Army 25th Division base camps, artillery fire support bases, and battalion night defensive positions near Saigon came under light, but harassing enemy stand-off rocket and mortar attacks. Navy in Vietnam: A record of the Royal Australian Navy in the Vietnam War 1965-1973 by Denis Fairfax (Australian Government Publishing Service 1980) pps.59-60 5. Shows a night time Vietcong rocket attack, just after midnight, July 15, 1967, on the United States Air Force flight line and barracks areas at the Da Nang Airbase in Vietnam. These three died defending Hill 327 Alpha Line Republic of Danang South Vietnam "Once a Marine, Always a Marine" Memorial Detachment No.2 Hudson Falls N.Y. Email me at Scoop748@yahoo.com. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 72-600390; 1974) The quiet of the 25th Infantry Division base camp at Cu Chi was shattered by explosions from incoming rocket rounds exactly one hour after midnight on 9 May 1968. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message] Date Posted: Sat, October 23 2004, 10:36:31 Author: Jeff Northridge Author Host/IP: dialup- / Subject: Re: 1970 Danang-MAG-11 Hooch Area Rocket Attack In reply to: Dave Stevens 's message, "1970 Danang-MAG-11 Hooch Area Rocket … vast Americal Division base camp at Chu Lai, Vietnam. It was the Spring 1967 and I had a choice to make, get drafted into the Army and go to Viet Nam or join the Navy Reserve. In Vietnam this rocket comprised one of the primary means of inflicting standoff attacks against airfields and other facilities. Rocket Attack on Da Nang - On July 15, 1967, the NVA conducted a major rocket bombardment on the key U.S. airbase at Da Nang. Starting on 23 February 69, with the commencement of the post-TET offensive and lasting for approximately one month, Chu Lai received eleven attacks by indirect fire. The truce for Tet 1969 begins and is followed by terrorist acts, rocket and mortar attacks, and scattered ground action. Following their initial use, these rockets were used not only against military installations, but also against urban areas, ports and bridges throughout South Vietnam. Then 85,000 troops surged across the frontier in human-wave attacks like those China had used in Korea nearly three decades before. by Warfare History Network Among the most effective and feared weapons of the communist North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong insurgency during the Vietnam War was the rocket-propelled … Rocket City. These rockets had a range of several miles and were deadly. The view below is of a 122 MM rocket hole on Camp Holloway in Pleiku. Monday, June 7, 1971 Da Nang (Letter Home) China Beach, standby till Friday. Near Miss by Rocket . No damage. The blanket was on top of the man and he jumped up and dove out the screen just before the 122 mm rocket hit. He stood up just as a Viet Cong rocket exploded in the hospital. At approximately 0300 hours, 31 January, coordinated attacks were launched on the Bien Hoa Airbase, II Field Force Vietnam Headquarters, the Long Binh Ammunition Supply Depot, and various other friendly installations in the local area. The U.S. is outraged by the rocket attack in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region. We suffered 8 killed, 175 wounded, 10 aircraft destroyed and 49 aircraft damaged. Low level recording so you may need to increase volume to play. ** The first two attacks on DaNang were by mortars. Thirty-eight years ago, I stood on the tarmac of DaNang Air Base, the northern-most fighter base in South Vietnam. The rocket could not have been placed more accurately. I personally was a target of three night rocket attacks at Da Nang in 1967 when assigned to the Death Angels of Marine All Weather Fighter Squadron two thirty five. RVNBunker. Early in the morning of Feb. 17, 1979, Chinese artillery batteries and multiple rocket launchers opened fire all along the Vietnamese border with protracted barrages that shook the earth for miles around. * The first attack was made by both mortars and sappers. During a moment of quiet, the Ambassador of Vietnam in Israel Do Minh Hung made use of the rare peace to share his experience of the Israel-Palestine conflict, with Vietnamese reporters.Enormous attacks of retaliatory rockets for retaliation have directly affected the security, safety, work and daily life of workers in the embassy. I was later assigned to the Monkey Mountain Patrol. Rocket attack 10-3-71. The damage to the building was caused by a 122 mm rocket, a favorite weapon of harrassment from Charlie. The attached WAV file is a rocket attack from Sept. 1969. In service for nearly a decade to protect Israel from rocket fire from the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, Iron Dome is credited with helping Israel to maintain military supremacy over its neighbours. Rocket attacks were launched at Camp Carroll on March 6 and March 12, 1967, but no ground attacks followed. Bunkers Constructed with Sandbags Charlie Troop 1/9th hooches Staff Sgt Dave Roger One of the most helpless feelings I experienced in Vietnam is when our firebase was being mortared (incoming) and hoping the next rocket wouldn't be a direct hit. Only the attack on 23 March 69, when 6 A-4 fighters were destroyed, resulted in any major + Casualty figures reflect all casualties, i.e., USAF, other military and civilians. I recall getting to the nearest bunker and it was full so I laid down beside it hoping that I'd be safe. At the 312th Evacuation Hospital at Chu Lai, she worked in the intensive care ward for a few days before being assigned to the Vietnamese ward. Since the earlier attack in January 2020 by heavier Qiam-2 advanced tactical ballistic missiles launched from Iran, the airbase has been reinforced with air defenses that proved unable to stop the rocket attack. I was land based in Da Nang. 1971. 586. A total 83 NVA 122mm and 140mm rockets hit the base just before dawn, resulting in 8 killed, 175 wounded, 10 aircraft destroyed and 49 damaged. Designed by the Soviets in WW-2 to be fired in a salvo or ripple from truck launchers containing a dozen launch tubes, in Vietnam they were used by the VC and NVA without the trucks. She worked five days a week, 12 hours a day in this ward, plus an additional day each week in intensive care. The attacks by Vietcong (VC) and People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) forces were one of several major attacks around Saigon in the first days of the Tet offensive. On January 1 st 1975, troops from the PAVN (People’s Army of Vietnam) had advanced to within 75 miles from Saigon. The rocket attacks would continue on a regular basis for the duration of my assignment to Cam Ranh. A total of 83 NVA 122mm and 140mm rockets hit the base in the early hours before dawn. I was not in the bush and am grateful that I … Vietnam Security Police Association Attack on Da Nang Air Base, RVN, by Monty Moore Da Nang AB was nicknamed "Rocket City" due to the large number of attacks by 122mm and 140mm rockets. As a result of the attacks on MAG-16 Lima Company was transferred from Chu Lai to the MAG-16 Hilo base for security. Cam Ranh Bay AB: 6th Convalescent Hospital Sapper Attack. Anyone diagnosed with PTSD should avoid playing this recording. Another fight occurs on February 18, and three Delta Co. Marines are wounded. Tagged as 122 rocket, 1st air cav, bunkers in vietnam, charlie troop 1/9th, incoming, incoming mortar attack, incoming rocket attack, mortar attack, rocket attack Follow Blog via Email Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. April 27-1969. Sometime on the morning of 30 Jan 1968, we were called to CSC and were briefed about the VC/NVA rocket attacks going on in the northern part of South Vietnam against USAF bases. The Rocket Belt was kept under surveillance from the air and on the ground. Đà Nẵng AB, 366th TFW: Bomb Dump Explosions Photos and Air Base Rocket Damage. The only salvageable part of 642 was its tail, which was reused on an AC-130. Brigadier-General Hidai Zilberman, the Israeli military’s chief spokesman, said attacks on militants’ rocket production and launching sites were “disrupting Hamas’ activities”, but still not to the point of stopping the barrages. SS Robin Grey and 4 other merchant ships 5-12-69: Five Merchant ships ships were attacked in Long Tau River. Danang was nicknamed Rocket City because it was subject to such frequent rocket attacks. If we went a week without a few rockets coming we knew something was in the works. In an ominous kickoff to the mission to leave, U.S. forces returned fire over the weekend after rockets hit a key air base in Kandahar, Afghanistan, while … Sounds of Danang . Aircraft destroyed included F-4 Phantom II's & C-130's. On the night of Feburary 2, 1967, DaNang sustained it's First Rocket Attack of the Vietnam war. The following link is a list of all rocket attacks on Air Bases by date: Hope this helps someone needing a stressor of a rocket attack on a Air Base Air Force rocket attacks in Vietnam - Veterans Benefits Network This pamphlet provides an example of "B" Detachment's work. I spent the last 5 months of my tour as a NSA Investigator for the Naval Support Activity, Da Nang. Six rounds were fired at the base and only one man was wounded. It didn't take long to get out of bed when the first rocket struck nearby. Information in the table below is extracted from, Appendix I, "Air Base Defense in the Republic of Vietnam, 1960-1973" by Roger P. Fox. Rocket Attack. I just mentioned that if they were getting hit tonite then tomorrow night would be our turn. The attack was repulsed for the loss of 3 US and 3 ARVN killed and 28 VC killed and 4 captured. Artillery attacks on Carroll were secondary to larger tactical goals. A VC rocket attack on Bien Hoa Air Base on May 12, 1967, caused only moderate damage but provided a major breakthrough. REPORTER: Roger Mudd (Fire Base Charlie 2, South Vietnam) Film shows destroyed bunker; 29 of 50 GIs killed. Open to all Vietnam Veterans that served at DA NANG Air Base of ROCKET CITY from 1971-1972. Johnie Webb points to a photo of him published in a book on U.S.-Vietnam diplomatic relations after the war inside his office at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, March 13, 2018. Leading up to the evening of August 12, 1969, there had been reports of increased enemy activity in our operations area. Because Saigon was so far to the south, it had effectively escaped major action and damage. The attacks were repulsed with the VC/PAVN suffering heavy losses, having inflicted … The new replacements thought the base was coming under a rocket attack from the infamous “Rocket Pocket” five miles away, but the Viet Cong strike had been much more daring. Col Thomas J. O'Connor, Comments on draft MS, dtd 27Nov76 (Vietnam Comment File). Rocket Attack on FSB Kelly: Preface: The following two stories by Sergeants' Ollerton and Powell were written at different times of their lives, independent of each other. Vic Bary 19-Aug-2017 00:27: I was there Jan - Dec 1967 with HHD, 11th Combat Aviation Battalion. 122 mm rocket harrassment. The base was attacked by the VC in a sapper and mortar attack on the morning of 4 December 1966. 44. The first half of my year in Vietnam (1967) I was stationed at the large U. S. base in Danang. We stayed there until a few days before Harvest Moon OP. Sharon Lane left no record of why she chose nursing duty in a dangerous war zone, but Green did. 2-27-67. It is also the story of one soldier, First Lieutenant Michal A. Merkel, one of many PSYOP soldiers who served in Vietnam and who was killed during the 24 March 1968 attack. Welcome to Vietnam! 100th Mission celebration, rocket attack 8/22/69, EC121 crash: Pictures of Danang 19: Rocket attack, 366th AEMS, F4's: Pictures of Danang 20: 366th AEMS, AC119 Gunship, Rockets display, Mama-san's: Pictures of Danang 21: NCO Open Mess, Open Mess Pass card, short-timer pic,4th TFS, Freedom Bird, Rocket Damage: Pictures of Danang 22 I was in Danang less than a month when the Vietcong used rockets to attack the Danang Air Base for the first time in the war, on the morning of February 27. Tuesday, June 8, 1971 Da Nang, Long Thanh North (Letter Home) An F4-E turns to land ahead of an approaching storm at DaNang Air Base in northern Vietnam. Green came home. Both men remembered this particular Rocket Attack on FSB Kelly in December of 1970. Only the attack on 23 March 69, when 6 A-4 fighters were destroyed, resulted in any major It landed right in the middle of those troops. Lane did not come home. As the war progressed, rocket attacks increased in both ferocity and duration. Click to join USMusiCians. 1971. 1971. Open to all Vietnam Veterans that served at DA NANG Air Base of ROCKET CITY from 1971-1972. (Studio) General Creighton West Abrams concerned: laxity in military procedures at Fire Base Charlie 2 results in 29 GIs killed in rocket attack.

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