If parts of your treatment plan are causing you more pain than expected, stop doing them and let your doctor know right away. Lists. Lists. See more. Categorize and prioritize the emails you receive. Chance definition, the absence of any cause of events that can be predicted, understood, or controlled: often personified or treated as a positive agency: Chance governs all. Abase refers only to outward conditions. 1. antonyms. The respiratory system brings oxygen into the body and … Consumption is being reduced by 25 per cent. reduce meaning: 1. to become or to make something become smaller in size, amount, degree, importance, etc. Create awareness and growth. reduce the possibility. What you've got lurking in your bathroom or under your kitchen sink can have a negative effect on your chances of getting pregnant. Know your risk level. Make sure your child’s immunizations are up to date. Synonyms for to avoid the risk of include before, lest, in case, just in case, for fear that, so as not to, to prevent, in order to avoid, in order to prevent and whether or … thesaurus. verb. verbs. Best synonyms for 'chance' are 'opportunity', 'risk' and 'possibility'. decrease the likelihood. Since the chances of having a heart attack or stroke increases with age, it is recommended to use an electronic risk calculator if you are above 40 years. 1. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! had a chance. diminishes the possibility. Probation. … Men who didn't take a vacation for several years were 30 percent more likely to have heart attacks. Reduce The Chance synonyms. Top synonyms for reduce the chance (other words for reduce the chance) are reduce the likelihood, reduce risk and minimize the risk. The coinage is debased by excess of alloy, the man by vice.Humble in present use refers chiefly to feeling of heart; humiliate to outward conditions; even when one is said to humble himself, he either has or affects to have humility of heart. Word meaning “reduce chances of occurrence”? In the aftermath of a significant problem I'm trying to express that the necessary steps have been taken to reduce the chances of it happening again. I can't guarantee it won't happen again, otherwise "prevent" would be perfect. thesaurus. lessen. phrases. 6 . See more. Normally, the liver makes all the cholesterol the body needs. £179 £175 with cable without cable Price valid for current stock only Philips CM8833mk2 UK. According to Health.com, "Exposure to … : 2. to…. Lessen definition is - to shrink in size, number, or degree : decrease. In other words, identify your weak areas of knowledge and skills and begin to bolster yourself in these areas. get a chance. In the UK, more than 200 babies die suddenly and unexpectedly every year. Effects of Family Structure on Crime. ENGLISH FORWARD. had the chance. Cause; Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failure. Log in. (b) The matter incorporated is in fact available to the extent necessary to afford fairness and uniformity in the administrative process. You've just found out that you're at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. "Militate against", not to be confused with 'mitigate against', is the five-dollar expression to use here. Unfortunately most readers these days... 1 (verb) in the sense of lessen. to reduce the amount of something or the number of things. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) – sometimes known as "cot death" – is the sudden, unexpected and unexplained death of an apparently healthy baby. Ask a new question or Search if your question exists. Many people swear by exercise to help reduce stress in their daily lives. Recognizing that a change may be needed is a very important first step toward creating a more easygoing nature and achieving the inner peace and real success that comes from overcoming perfectionism and being able to say that "almost perfect" is still a job very well done. Even when a disease—such as measles or Hib— hasn’t been completely wiped out, immunizations can reduce disease transmission, so that epidemics become less frequent. Synonyms. Knowing what to expect can help to reduce those pre-test jitters. v. reduce the risk. Lots of raindrops that land on leaves evaporate straight into the air- so less water reaches the ground. The more I think about it, "prevent" may actually be the word you want. You may feel that to prevent something means to make certain it does not... synonyms. Welcome to, FBE'S SECOND ANNIVERSARY SHOW! If the foreknowledge of any punishment is meant to dissuade the criminal from committing the crime, why do people still murder others? : 2. to…. The term refers to U.S. senator Joseph McCarthy ( R -Wisconsin) and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting from the late 1940s through the 1950s. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Online learning is growing increasingly popular with working students and students with children. reduce the potential. Quitting smoking will reduce your belly fat and lower your risk of diabetes. Definition. To succeed in an online program, students must increase their self-discipline, reduce … (verb) The store has drastically reduced winter coats. reduces the likelihood. Spotify is all the music you’ll ever need. The coinage is debased by excess of alloy, the man by vice.Humble in present use refers chiefly to feeling of heart; humiliate to outward conditions; even when one is said to humble himself, he either has or affects to have humility of heart. Keep immunisations up to date to lessen the risk of serious illness. antonyms. Search reduce and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. ICC Test Rankings: Kohli, Pant, Rohit hold onto their spots within top ten antonyms. Explanation; I … Most people feel that shortness of breath is one of the most concerning symptoms of chronic lung diseases. definitions. See more. 5. 240V £2 1 9 with cable + game £ 2 1 5 without cable If game not required reduce above prices by £5.00 Price valid for current stock only Floppy Drives Cumana CAX354 f4Q Qn 1M external I. i *-» . Synonym Discussion of reduce. Synonyms for reduce in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for reduce. 160 synonyms for reduce: lessen, cut, contract, lower, depress, moderate, weaken, diminish, turn down, decrease, slow down, cut down, shorten, dilute, impair. It means that you now have the chance to make changes that can delay or prevent type 2 diabetes. had an opportunity. ‘ordinary soldiers are reduced to begging’. But you don't have it yet. had the opportunity. Find another word for chance. Apology; Her apology was so graceful that we forgave her. (c) The incorporating document is drafted and submitted for publication in accordance with 1 CFR part 51. People living with chronic lung diseases often experience shortness of breath. 57 synonyms of decrease from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 61 related words, definitions, and antonyms. reduce the possibility. Here’s your chance to see sample ASVAB test questions for each of the 10 subtests. "Militate against" not to be confused with mitigate. Militate \verb (used without object) 1) to have a substantial effect; weigh heavily: Source: D... By doing this, you increase your chance for aspirational success in … reduce definition: 1. to become or to make something become smaller in size, amount, degree, importance, etc. Reducing the chance. Learn more. See more. Another word for decrease: drop, decline, lessen, contract, lower | Collins English Thesaurus dilute. you must reduce your caloric intake When would abate be a good substitute for reduce? If you work in a high-risk industry and want to take steps to reduce the chance of lawsuits, a Hold Harmless Agreement can be a useful tool. One of the more profound advances was penicillin. Reduce the chance definition: If there is a chance of something happening , it is possible that it will happen . It is important to take medication on time and as directed. Another word for chance: probability, odds, possibility, prospect, liability | Collins English Thesaurus Free thesaurus definition of to reduce or to remove the bad effects of something from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education. Are you overscheduled and exhausted? People who smoke have the greatest risk of lung cancer, though lung cancer can also occur in people who have never smoked. Cancel anytime. The Web's Largest "Learn English" Community and Q&A Site. Argument; I found his argument pretty convincing. jump at a chance (= use an opportunity eagerly) Ed jumped at the chance to earn some extra money. Understand by chance meaning and enrich your vocabulary Overall, there is significant evidence that video games are not only fun, but they can be great stress relievers as well for many reasons. synonyms. Reduce definition, to bring down to a smaller extent, size, amount, number, etc. Related terms for increase the chances- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with increase the chances. : to reduce one's weight by 10 pounds. Dilate definition is - to become enlarged or widened; also : to display or become affected by expansion or widening of a body part. Find another word for decrease. Broken Families and Crime. For * instance, we don't allow flame wars about decaf: if you like it, * well, it's your body after all. A sentence whereby a convict is released from confinement but is still under court supervision; a testing or a trial period. chance - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus Synonyms for. While this method of learning is more accessible and affordable than traditional courses, it can also require more discipline. “The numbers speak for themselves: Successful teamwork can increase innovation by up to 15% and reduce the time it takes to release a product by 20%.”. The obvious plain language choice is "avoid" but "avert" is also fine although they have different shades of meaning (for the "avoid" think "detour... Synonyms for reduce in Free Thesaurus. reduce the likelihood. The first word that came to mind for me was mitigate. As you have ruled that word out, I'd like to offer up avert for your consideration. We'v... Miller later wrote: "The more I read into the Salem panic, the more it touched off corresponding images of common experiences in the fifties." Search chance and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. : to reduce one's weight by 10 pounds. Reduce definition, to bring down to a smaller extent, size, amount, number, etc. The scholarly evidence suggests that at the heart of the explosion of crime in America is the loss of the capacity of fathers and mothers to be responsible in caring for the children they bring into the world. (c) The incorporating document is drafted and submitted for publication in accordance with 1 CFR part 51. examples. Find 142 ways to say REDUCE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Heartburn Definition Heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest that can extend to the neck, throat, and face; it is worsened by bending or lying down. What does reduce mean? Taking a test can be a nerve-wracking experience. The only way to diminish police violence is to reduce contact between the public and the police. Another usage applies to delaying, slowing down, or lowering the probability of something that is more or less inevitable. synonyms. Synonyms for Increase the chance. How to use diminish in a sentence. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! Between 1939 and 1945, new medical techniques were developed as a direct response to new weaponry. … Synonyms for chance include opening, opportunity, occasion, break, shot, time, show, turn, window and look-in. The following is a news article title from Harvard's School of Public Health. Reduce The Chance synonyms - 166 Words and Phrases for Reduce The Chance. Radial nerve dysfunction is a problem with the radial nerve. When parents choose to immunize, they’re helping more than their own. Synonyms for chance include opening, opportunity, occasion, break, shot, time, show, turn, window and look-in. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! Both cause parts of the brain to stop functioning properly. Lung cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the lungs. Taking it on time will build up the medication in your system and reduce the chance of it wearing off before you take another dose. Find 4 ways to say SLIM, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. lower the chance. That's the really good news. Avoid oral sex if you have bleeding gums or open cuts or sores in or around your mouth. xxi, 26.Debase applies to quality or character. Medium Res.
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