Novice: 2018 USEF Novice Test A Maximum jumping height of 2’11”, width of 3’3”. AREA SHOW JUMPING HEIGHTS: NOVICE CHALLENGE: 90 -95cm. Spreads; Cross Rails. Maximum 2'9" height and spread. Jump 3 to 4 low poles, tree trunks and small ditches. The Pony Club's internal structure consists of many ability levels - from the Beginner: D1, D2, and D3, to the intermediate: C1, C2, and C3, followed by the Advanced: HB, B, HA, and A. D1: 12" 12" None. Starting height 45cm width 50 cm. When backing, a pony should step backward by moving his legs i…. 17 and under 25 years starting height 95cm . length of whip/crop is Senior – 15 yrs+ C1+ Dress shall be suitable for 30” Junior – 12-14 yrs D3+ cross-country. Canadian Pony Club C1 Study Guide 2014 Education Committee 8 Lesson 1 Assignment 1 Stall and Pasture 1. The USPC ideal is to teach children to be well rounded horse people with complete knowledge of riding on the flat, jumping, riding in the open and horse care. This is a team competition. What is the proper size for a box stall door? Should you have any queries in respect of what classes you are eligible to compete in you can also call the Shows Team on 02476 698805 who will be able to assist you. 14.2hh / 148cm bay Racing Pony. Not pictured is Tess - C1 Flat. pony club victoria 73-75 mackie road, mulgrave 3170 | p: 03 8685 8925 | email us! Give the usual dimensions for a hunter box and a pony box stall. Silver Bits Pony Club 11 D –Bookwork 2007-2008. > Fun On-Line Knowledge Games by the British Pony Club (PCUK) - click here > USPC D level On-Line Flashcards at Quizlet - click here > Pony Prep - videos and quizzes on many D & C level subjects by the British Pony Club - click here (once the page is displayed, click a category on the right side of the screen for a selection of topics) > Instructor Certificate Study Group leader certificate. Good to teach your horse to move away from your leg. Woodbrook Hunt Pony Club members traveled south to Rainbow Meadows and spent the day with Marc Grandia (C group) and Aliina Keers (D group) earning their new certifications! Sadly, we don't have a rider for her (we are a riding school) so she is mainly just hacked out 3 times a week.…. C1 & up Challenging course with 3-5 spread jumps and at least 1 combination 3’3” / 3’6” Use C.P.C. Find out how much grain = 1 lb and how many lbs each scoop holds. Max Height. 15 and under 17 years starting height 90cm . Posted on 07/05/2021. 3. USPC Rating Certification: 09/2011 - Joined SRPC 04/2012 - D1 11/2013 - D2 HM 11/2014 - D2 Flat, OF 11/2014 - D3 HM 05/2015 - D3 Flat, OF 04/2015 - C1 . It is clear – unsupportive or inappropriate behaviour is not normal and not accepted. Riders must be over the age of 12 and under the age of 21 years on the 1st January of the current year. Ride up and down steep hills & banks. No ditches, banks, or water. STUDY. 4. Grain--use small coffee can, large can, or grain scoop. INTERMEDIATE: 1.00 – 1.05cm. No ditches 3’3” Pony club D3-C1. 1. Tack In all classes tack is the same as Rules for Pony Club Show Jumping 2021. 3. The jumps are colorful and of varying heights and widths. All fences may be jumped at the trot. 1. Height: 147.32m. Horse/Rider: D3 and up: 2'9"-3' 3' 2'-3' Lg. size flake and know how much it takes to get 5, 10, 15 lbs. Test of o…. 16 years old. D, C & B Question: Write the Pony Club Pledge. Speed should not exceed 240mpm appropriate for size of mount. Shore Riders Pony Club Graduates: Alyssa // Member from 2011 through 2020 // C1 Traditional // Enjoys Dressage, Jumping, Polo, and Western. The main objective is to create a safe and supportive culture fostered by leaders, management, members, volunteers, parents – anyone involved in equestrian sports. Describe formal attire-Safe helmate with black cover-Black field/dress boots or black padock boots with half chaps-White, buff, canary, or tan breaches-Belt-White shirt with sleeves and collar-Stock tie-Solid black, navy blue, or dark grey hunt coat Pony Club rating=C1 2’9” – top 4’ – base of jump . 5. The majority of CHANGE THE REIN - Halter Tags now available through the NZPCA E Shop $5 each + postage. 1. Wide jumps or ‘spread jumps’ may include water that horses must leap over, but not touch. ... C1& UP MEMBERS WE NEED YOU: C1 & Up Rated Pony Club Members over 16 years old (under 16 y.o. This competition is run over two rounds with maximum fence Suppling excercises (Only do excercises…. Class Guides for Seniors: Bronze League classes (85cm - 1.10m) & the Bronze League Final. Jump a minimum of 3 simple & natural obstacles. 'Highmead Reflection', (aka Whistle) 15 years old. C Level Show Jumping in Pony Club. Show Jumping in Pony Club is very similar to other Show Jumping competitions. Members compete on a team of three to four riders with a Stable Manager and generally complete three jumping rounds at a rally. Why is good ventilation so important in a stable? Home Sports Show Jumping Competitions and Events Area Competitions. Cross country to include a bank, ditch and water jump. 1. measured in lbs in household or baby scale. Participants may also choose to walk/jog the course with a "Stick Horse" instead of riding. Course No upper time limit imposed on any of the classes, therefore no time faults can be incurred. (1/3 of fences to be at maximum height) Jump various small fences & ditches at trot & canter. For the particular purposes of scoring and results, The Pony Club variations to British Show Jumping rules are listed under Rules 22 to 28. My mom didn't record my warm up and flat work :( But here is most of the jumping! Jumping Equitation at Pony Clubs in NSW is run and taught to encourage better riding and training of ... 13 and under 15 years starting height 85cm . Pony Club Australia Ltd is a not for profit organisation that encourages people to ride and teaches them horsemanship and how to care for horses.. Australia has the largest Pony Club membership in the world with just under 40,000 financial members. Training Level: 2018 USEF Training Level Test A This is a modified division with some jumps to be shared with Novice division, maximum jumping height … Rider must have control of horse at the canter (even though they may trot around the course). Breed: Crossbreed:Crossbreed:Other. The Official Pony Club shop, powered by Harry Hall, houses all your favourite Pony Club items from badges to ties, sweatshirts and umbrellas, dressage tests and certificates we have everything you need to make a rally or Pony Club camp the best experience possible. Describe characteristics of good and bad feed, water, and pasture. 4. 2. Pony Club C1 rating. Show Jumping Area Competitions | The Pony Club. Obstacles will be 18" height and ground poles will be available as an alternative to jump. login Hay: weigh av. AGE Unless specified otherwise in the schedule all Members are eligible to compete in any Pony Club Team or Individual Show Jumping … Green Horses: Any: 24" 24" 12" Introductory Level (1B) D3 and up: 2'3" 2'6" 2'-2'6" Dev. C1 Level - Worksheet Successful candidates' passport endorsed as C1. Class Guides for Pony Riders: same matter is covered by both British Show Jumping and Pony Club Rules, then The Pony Club rule shall take precedence. It utilizes physical skills to negotiate a series of obstacles, and mental skills to plan the proper lines and approaches to allow the horse to jump those obstacles. For further information, you may wish to check out the Lesson plans for the C1 level. Loose Rein- there will be a slight loop in the reins Long Rein…. Heights of Fences for Show Jumping Specialty Levels: Level Height C-3 3’7” – 1.10m B 3’9” – 1.15m A 4’3” – 1.30m C-3=Level II-III** B=Level III-IV** A=Level V-VI** **See USEF Level Descriptions 2016 1 The United States Pony Clubs, Inc. STANDARDS OF PROFICIENCY FOR C … Silver League classes (1.10 - 1.30m) & the Silver League Final. The Pony Club has taken an exciting step and partnered with to bring you a new and improved shopping experience. ***** D, C & B Answer: As a member of the United States Pony Club, I stand for the best in sportsmanship as well as in horsemanship. Max Height. One of your horses or pony’s rallies must be within the current Pony Club year. Pony for sale. Maximum height & spread 3'3". Penalties The following penalties apply and … 2. Beginner: D1-D2. Has raced and come first and 2nd at Pony Club and P2P level. It is far easier to get ‘rallied up’ in advance of the busy competition season. THE UNITED STATES PONY CLUBS, Inc. Competitors in this competition must have passed their ‘C’ Test. Ends on 07/06/2021. USPC headquarters is at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky. TETR ATHL ON ATTIRE EQUIPMENT RULES For riding phase - timing For riding phase – max Championships Requirements devices may be worn. OPEN: 1.10 – 1.15cm. The jumps are colorful and of varying heights and widths. Wide jumps or ‘spread jumps’ may include water that horses must leap over, but not touch. Give two reasons why a box stall is better than a standing stall. Ponies must be 5 years or over. The jumps have a maximum height of 90cm. Ponies/horses who have competed and jumped over 1metre in the current or previous year are not eligible. You should check the current Show Jumping Rule Book for further details. This competition is for the Robbie Bailey Cup. port the Pony Club program locally, region-ally and nationally through volunteerism Education at an individual pace to achieve personal goals and expand knowledge through teaching others Heights of Fences D to A for Eventing Levels: Level Height D-2 18” D-3 2’3” C-1 2’9” C-2 3’0” C-3 3’3” B 3’7” A 3’9” Dressage Specialty Levels: D3 Rally – must ride WTC dressage test and jump 2ft 6 XC and stadium C1 Rally – must ride WTC dressage test and jump 2’7 XC and stadium or higher Show Jumping Rally heights: Horse – the minimum heights are 2’-2’6 large ponies – the minimum height are 2’-2’6 small ponies – the minimum heights are 2’-2’3 Dressage Rally At this level, the maximum jump heights are 2'6" for both stadium and cross country jumps. Price: £ 2,500.00. The Kentucky Horse Park • 4041 Iron Works Pike • Lexington, KY 40511 • (859) 254-PONY (7669) ... • Ride over jump course of 6-8 obstacles; include a two-stride combination set at an appropriate distance for mount’s stride. Left to right is Aliina Keers - Examiner, Zale - C2, Carly - C1, Cecilia - C1, Connor - D2, Tiffany - D3, Rosie - D3, and Ryder - D2. In America Pony Club began in 1954 and it is called the USPC or United States Pony Club. 18" 18" None. In Australia, there are approximately 850 clubs spread over the seven states and territories. Jump Off. Some Pony Clubs have an encourage event, but is an unofficial event. Grade 1 max height = 1.05 m Grade 2 max height = 95 cm Grade 3 max height = 80 cm Grade 4 max height = 65 cm Grade 5 max height = 50 cm Encourage max height = 35 cm. Pony/Horse I: C1 and up: 3'-3'3" 3'6" 2'6"-3'6" Horse II: C1 and up: 3'-3'6" 3'9" 2'9"-3'9" Horse III: C1 and up: 3'6"-3'9" 4' 3'-4' The majority of fences should be set at, but not exceed, 18” in height or 18” in width. Ride safely with a … Discipline: Dressage, Farm Hack, Pleasure Horse, Pony Club, Show Jumping. 2. Stadium course: verticals, spreads, combinations, turns, ride a bending line & regular distances. Detailed D2 Level Standards and Lesson Plans to help in attaining them are available. PLAY.
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