Small Business Relief: $25.6 million in emergency assistance for small businesses facing financial shortfalls due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Resources for Spring 2020 PPG Grantees If you have an open public program grant from Spring 2020, you'll find resources and documents here. Legislative Fiscal Office 1 Emergency Board – April 2020 Item 4: Department of Administrative Services Oregon Worker Relief Fund Analyst: Paul Siebert . Our Small Business Emergency Relief Grants support local businesses who have been impacted by COVID-19. The Nonprofit Association of Oregon has a comprehensive list of resources and answers to frequently asked questions on … In my nearly 40 years of service, I repeatedly witnessed the impact Army Leaders had on their Soldiers’ lives by sending them to their AER Office for financial assistance. Emergency Checks. Travel Oregon reserves the right to award grants in amounts totaling less than all funds that are available under the COVID-19 Emergency Response Grants Program, to award a different amount than is requested in a grant application, to make changes to the Grant Guidelines or to cancel the COVID-19 Emergency Response Grants Program in its entirety. APPLICATION FOR EMERGENCY COVID-19 RELIEF ASSISTANCE . To participate, please fill out and submit the form on this page. The Emergency Relief Check Program has ended. By far, the largest resource currently available is from the federal government under the CARES Act: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF). The following is a working list of relief available to Oregon's Employers and Employees, as well as Local Relief Efforts we are aware of at this time. Oregon emergency relief program update: The program to provide one-time payments of $500 to eligible Oregonians impacted by COVID-19 has concluded and the state is not accepting any more applications. The UO received federal stimulus funds under the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF). The emergency fund is designed to provide meaningful financial relief to Oregon’s writers, including cartoonists, spoken word poets and playwrights. The University of Oregon is preparing to distribute emergency grants to students experiencing hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic. OnPoint Community Credit Union Helps Facilitate COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund Distribution. The Early Learning Division (ELD) is offering Emergency Child Care (ECC) providers another opportunity to access Oregon grant funding through the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund. Emergency Checks. Small Business Relief Fund Greater Eastern Oregon Development Corporation* (GEODC), $370,000, Round 2 Harney County, $25,000, Round 3. To apply for a State’s allocation from the GEER Fund, a Governor must submit to the On January 14, 2021 the U.S. Department of Education announced that the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERFII) II is now available to institutions of higher education (IHEs) to serve students and ensure learning continues during the COVID-19 pandemic. Black Relief and Resiliency - application is open now The Oregon Cares Fund provides cash grants to Black individuals, Black-owned businesses, and Black-led nonprofit organizations who have experienced financial adversity due to COVID-19. Our guide provides up to date information on grants, loans, tax relief, and emergency assistance for small businesses impacted by COVID-19. Cover Letter to Governors Reporting for Student Portion of the CARES Act Emergency Relief Fund. These awards have four application periods. Starting today, Oregonians facing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic will be able to apply for a one-time payment of $500. The Oregon Cares Fund is a $62 million targeted cash investment from the CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund, to provide economic relief for the Black community, who are among Oregon’s most vulnerable groups due to systemic divestment and disparities widened and exacerbated by COVID-19. If you need rent assistance, mortgage assistance, food or utility help, please call 2-1-1. This fund is meant to provide the Black community with the resources it needs to weather the global health pandemic and consequent recession. The state of Oregon’s Emergency Relief Assistance program is now closed. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”), March 27, 2020, directs institutions receiving CARES Act funding to submit a report to the Secretary of Education describing the use of funds distributed from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (“HEERF”). The Oregon Legislature has approved a $35 million program to provide financial relief to Oregonians who may have experienced an economic hardship due to COVID-19. In July, the Oregon Legislature approved funding for the $35 million Oregon Emergency COVID-19 Relief Program. Being placed on the wait list does not guarantee assistance. THRU (Applicant unit includes PRN & address) 3. In collaboration with the OSU Foundation, Oregon State University is offering emergency financial assistance grants through the OSU Faculty and Staff Covid-19 Disaster Relief Fund. The CRRSA Act provides that $1,303,060,000 of those funds be used to supplement the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER II Fund) awarded to each State with an approved GEER application under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act enacted on March 27, 2020. Unemployment Emergency Relief Checks. Dear OSU Undergraduate and Graduate Students, I am writing to update you that the university has received federal assistance funding for students through the recently passed Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA), which authorized funds for the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II). Fund (CRF) to OCF at the June 5, 2020 meeting of the Emergency Board to increase program capacity. To donate to our Emergency Relief Fund, please click the PayPal link below, or mail a check to UWSWO, PO Box 1288, Coos Bay, OR 97420 (please include “covid-19” in the memo field). You may be eligible for a one-time, $500 emergency relief payment if the criteria in each section below apply to you. Emergency Checks Informatioal Page. You may be eligible for a one-time, $500 emergency relief payment if the criteria in each section below apply to you. Small Business Technical Assistance High Desert Partnership**, $300,000. OREGON SERVICE MEMBER RELIEF FUND ASSISTANCE APPLICATION Instructions for completion are on the back of the form SECTION I – COMPLETE BY APPLICANT 1. Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program (Allita): Online application portal for statewide rental assistance. Eligible child care providers do not need to complete an application for this fourth round of ECC grants. $499.1 million was awarded to Oregon in January 2021. You are protected from eviction Deadline is April 24 at 5:00 pm. The purpose of this fund is to help employees in our university community with unexpected needs during this unprecedented time of the COVID-19 pandemic. These funds may be used for any component of your … Federal, state, and local governments have created relief assistance to help small business owners in Oregon impacted by the coronavirus. Emergency Relief Check Program. In March 2020, congress enacted the Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The Oregon Legislature’s Emergency Board voted Friday to allocate $100 million toward a new commercial rent relief program administered by Business Oregon, the state’s economic development agency. The U.S. Department of Education awarded ESSER Fund grants to state educational agencies (SEAs) for the purpose of providing local educational agencies (LEAs) with emergency relief funds to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools. TO OREGON MILITARY DEPARTMENT ATTN: RSO-OSMRF P.O. The Oregon Cares Fund is a targeted investment in the Black community from the CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund. Broadband Capacity Harney County School and telemedicine support, $434,397. Other Provisions. As part of the CARES Act, the UO received $16,095,946, through funds known as HEERF I. The Oregon Legislative Emergency Board allocated approximately $100 million for the program to help small businesses impacted by the pandemic and the restrictions it necessitated. The Early Learning Division (ELD) announced another grant opportunity for Emergency Child Care (ECC) providers through the federal Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act. The UO will receive $8,047,973 in funds for students through the CARES Act, which was recently enacted by the U.S. Congress. Oregon Parks Foundation Fund APPLICATION WINDOW: 1/1 - 3/8 This fund supports the acquisition, preservation and restoration of Oregon's native landscape, as well as environmental, recreational and educational improvements to public parks throughout Oregon. Emergency Small Business Assistance Emergency Small Business Assistance Grants. Applicants are prioritized using the following criteria: 1) Applicants must live in Oregon; 2) Applicants lost their job in Oregon due to the pandemic; and $35 million will fund a program to provide $500 Emergency Relief checks to Oregonians who are still waiting for unemployment benefits. Request: Allocate $10,000,000 from the Emergency Fund to the Department of Administrative Services for a grant to the Oregon Community Foundation to oversee a culturally-specific community The Worker Relief Fund provides direct services to individuals that qualify. How does a Governor apply for a State’s share of the GEER Fund? If you’re interested in information about Oregon COVID-19 test sites, eviction and foreclosure prevention information, how to access free food services, and more, call 2-1-1. Resident Aid Fund of Tigard: This fund will provide at least four grants of up to $25,000 each to Tigard-serving nonprofits, faith organizations, or other agencies to provide immediate and necessary relief to impacted communities in Tigard. The aid can support payments to as many as 70,000 Oregonians. OREGON.GOV APPLICATION FOR EMERGENCY COVID 19 RELIEF ASSISTANCE The Oregon Legislature has approved a program to provide financial relief to Oregonians who have experienced an economic hardship due to COVID-19. The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSA Act) provides an additional $54.3 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund II (ESSER II). The Oregon Legislature has approved a program to provide financial relief to Oregonians who have experienced an economic hardship due to COVID-19. We are thankful to have helped so many Oregonians before the limited funding was exhausted. The FCC is mobilizing people and organizations to help share important consumer information about the Emergency Broadband Benefit. “Army Emergency Relief has always been an important tool for Commanders. Your donation will be distributed to local nonprofits and community organizations most in need during this time. ALL funds are obligated and we are no longer accepting applications. All providers who meet the criteria will receive a grant. This fund serves as a centralized place for giving that will guarantee that 100 percent of funds donated will be used locally in response to the coronavirus. Congress has tasked the FCC with developing a new $3.2 billion program to help U.S. households that are struggling to pay for internet service during the pandemic. The program had $35 million and was expcted to serve 70,000 people across the state. The American Rescue Plan will deliver $350 billion for eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to respond to the COVID-19 emergency and bring back jobs. A. Students were able to apply for CRRSAA funds using the emergency aid application. 211info: The waitlist opens periodically; if it’s closed, continue to check back regularly for updates. Oregon is partnering with the private sector to deliver one-time, $500 emergency relief payments. Basic Information about the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund A-1. COVID-19 Relief Funds Oregon Humanities awarded $452,500 for general operating and programmatic support to sixty-three organizations throughout the state in May 2020. Business Oregon delivered nearly $50 million to the hands of small business owners in our communities suffering in the wake of the pandemic through this grant fund. NAME (Last, First, Middle) 2. Of these funds, $8,047,973 were reserved to provide financial support to students impacted AER provided $70 million in loans and grants to 40,000 Soldiers and Families in 2019. Rural Hospitals Harney District Hospital, $538,814 The Oregon Worker Relief Fund provides financial support directly to Oregonians who have lost their jobs yet are ineligible for Unemployment Insurance and federal stimulus relief due to their immigration status, and now face hunger, homelessness, and economic hardship.
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