This indicates the influence of family members on adolescent and teenage girls specifically. Reasons Behind Teenage Pregnancy. Stillbirth 30% higher rate for children born to women under 20. In Kenya, one common consequence of pregnancy for girls is the loss of educational opportunities: pregnant girls are often expelled or forced to leave school when the teachers and the school administrators learn about the pregnancy. Pregnancy-related deaths are the leading cause of mortality for 15-19 year-old girls worldwide. However, pregnancy in adolescence (i.e. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in Juba Teaching Hospital among 50 randomly sampled pregnant teenagers in 2015. An Increase in teenage pregnancy will in the end, lead to increased child poverty as well as degradation of the child’s well-being. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in Juba Teaching Hospital among 50 randomly sampled pregnant teenagers in 2015. With low levels of maturity and an underdeveloped understanding of responsibility, teens are ill prepared to deal with the consequences of their actions. Abstract. Teenage pregnancy is commonly known as conception among younger women of the age 13-19 years. 2. Teenage mothers add to the number of women who are illiterate. Rates increase rapidly with age: from 3% among girls at 15 yrs. INTRODUCTION Teenage pregnancy is defined as a teenage girl, usually within the ages of 13-19, becoming pregnant. learner pregnancy. Teenage Pregnancy In Nigeria Causes Some of the major causes of teenage pregnancy in Nigeria include cell phone usage by … In South Africa, for example, current research shows that teenage pregnancy is reaching crisis proportions in some schools, Causes of teenage pregnancy. The responses of the respondents are presented statistically in table 1 below: Table 1: Causes of Teenage Pregnancy … Objective: To explore the factors contributing to, and effecting, pregnancy among teenagers in Juba. BMJ. Though Causes Of Teenage Pregnancy Essay Introduction we are mostly an essay writing service, this still doesn’t mean that we specialize on essays only. In conclusion, teen pregnancy is a social problem in the United States both teens will have to suffer in their education, grow up before their time, take on adult responsibilities, and suffer financial problems to take care of the child. GOSANET FOUNDATION: Reduce Incidence of Teenage Pregnancy in Ghana Project. The teenager develops fear of the unknown with regards to abandonment by The major cause of teenage pregnancy is … Though teen age pregnancy had poor maternal and perinatal health outcomes, its magnitude and determinants are not well understood. Following are some of the contributing factors or causes of teenage pregnancy: 1) Lack of Parental Guidance: Most people evade their children from talking about sex. Teenage pregnancy rates are tracked with concern and there are regular media reports about the issue of teen pregnancy. Sure, we can Causes Of Teenage Pregnancy Essay Introduction write you a top-quality essay, be it admission, persuasive or description one, but if you have a more challenging paper to write, don't worry. The responses of the respondents are presented statistically in table 1 below: Table 1: Causes of Teenage Pregnancy … This chapter will enable the reader to gain an insight into the concept of teenage pregnancy, teenage pregnancy, its causes its general and social consequences. Teenage pregnancy has a direct implication on school dropout among girls and a subsequent contributor to the disparities experienced in the education of both girls and boys. Decreases in the rate of teenage pregnancy are often discussed with the emphasis that society must still be vigilant, since any teen pregnancy rate is a cause for concern. In large regions of … Risk factors for teenage pregnancy are well recognised and provide a compelling case for targeted action on young people who are exposed to these risks. Adolescent pregnancy, occurring in girls aged 10–19 years, remains a serious health and social problem worldwide, and has been associated with numerous risk factors evident in the young people's family, peer, school, and neighbourhood contexts. Consequences of teenage pregnancy include health risks for the mother and the unborn baby. Teenage mothers are more likely to suffer from health, social and emotional problems if they are not taken care of properly. They also face a lot of medical complications like premature labor and emotional distress. Objective: To explore the factors contributing to, and effecting, pregnancy among teenagers in Juba. The number of teens within the ages of 14-19 has substantially decreased over the last several years. teenage pregnancy in Freetown Sierra Leone. Teenage Pregnancy Prevention: Statistics and Programs Congressional Research Service Summary In 2014, U.S. teen births accounted for 6.3% of all births and 13.9% of all nonmarital births. challenges remain, including poverty, gender-based violence in school, early pregnancy, persistent discriminatory norms and expectations, child labour and domestic work – from the age of 10 to 14, girls . Teenage pregnancy has been widely studied, but attention in relation to Africa has been largely limited toits prevalence. Risk Factors And Complications Of Teen Pregnancies; Statistics in India on Teenage Pregnancy. Risk Factors And Complications Of Teen Pregnancies; Statistics in India on Teenage Pregnancy. Recent evidence suggests that it is as high as 29% in females and 27% in males (French et al 2007). The situation varies across counties; Introduction. Introduction •Teen pregnancy proportions rise from 2% at 15 years to 27% at 19 years •Provinces with the highest rates of teenage fertility are Limpopo, Northern Cape and the Free State, while the lowest rates of teenage pregnancies occur in KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng and Mpumalanga. The age of the mother is determined by the easily verified date when the Introduction While slightly decreasing in rates in recent years, adolescent pregnancy continues to be prevalent in the United States, with nearly one million teenage According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services in 2014, about 77 percent of the pregnancies were unplanned. Teenage pregnancy can risk the health of teen mom and even of the child with an adverse effects on health. a living. The allure of being pregnant is more of a modern reason for teen pregnancy 2. Teenage pregnancy is a case of which the under aged girl usually within the ages of thirteen to nineteen years gets pregnant, it is both a social and economic problem of each and every country that has not been solved. In Matjitjileng village, pregnancy among young people has reached pandemic heights. Teenage pregnancy is a serious public health and social problem, with 95% occurring in developing countries. Abstract- Teenage pregnancy involves females under the age of 18 and it is interplay of several factors social, biological, economic and psychological. Teen fatherhood results in the teen father getting married early or co-habitation with the teen mother. Some causes of Teen pregnancy are absent parenting, lack of knowledge, substance abuse, living in poverty and peer pressure. Rates increase rapidly with age: from 3% among girls at 15 yrs. The study sought to know the causes of teenage pregnancy among female students and its effect on their academic performance. Globally, complications of pregnancy and childbirth are the second highest cause of death amongst teenagers. These studies show that teenage pregnancy is still at a high prevalence and particularly most of these cases come from the developing countries. The aim of the study was to investigate the behavioural, familial and social factors associated with teenage pregnancy among girls aged 13–19 years in Lira District, Uganda. With most of teen pregnancies being unintended, … But the main causes of teenage pregnancy must be properly analyzed. While examining the causes of teen pregnancy… reasons identified, the major causes of teenage pregnancies are limited access to sexual education and sexual health services. Rates of teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom are the highest in Western Europe (EU-15) (DH 2009) and more than a quarter of young people in Britain have had sex before the age of 16 (Wellings et al. Methods . Astonishingly, the case was not as seldom as many thought. Now a brief discussion on this issue will make the whole subject quite clear and easier for others to understand. In most developing countries, teenage pregnancy has been one of the major hindrances to educational access and gender equality (Sunday Times News, 2007). Teenage pregnancy, however, was a problem in Sierra Leone long before the Ebola outbreak. This research therefore aimed to explore the reasons behind teenage pregnancy in Heidedal, … In the current society, parents are either too busy or too permissive. According to Kaplowtz (2006), United Nation Population Fund (2013), seven million girls teenage pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy in a young under the age of eighteen (18) years give birth each year. 1 – 3 In sub-Saharan Africa, one such risk factor in early child bearing is increased vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. In the developed world, the causes of teenage pregnancy is different in the sense that it is mostly outside marriage and carries lots of social stigma. Furthermore, whilst teenage deliveries account for 11% of all births worldwide, they account for 23% of the overall burden of disease in disability adjusted life years (DALYs) attributed to pregnancy and childbirth. It is estimated that Thus, adolescent sexual behavior is one of the causes of teenage pregnancy. What Are The Effects of Teen Pregnancy? In Matjitjileng village, pregnancy among young people has reached pandemic heights. and infections are the major causes of deaths for under-five mortality. old. Without contraception or protection, these occurrences can also lead to teenage pregnancy. Teenage mothers add to the number of women who are illiterate. There is an urgent need to address poverty as one of the root causes of teenage pregnancy, sensitize and create awareness on the School Re-entry Policy and engage teenage girls as stakeholders to develop interventions tailored towards their needs and concerns. Teenage pregnancy is defined as teenage girl, usually within the ages of 13 to 19 years becoming pregnant (UNICEF, 2008). Introduction . However, apart from the general introduction in the first chapter, chapter two deals with the review of related and relevant literatures. The factors influencing the increase of teenage pregnancy are not well known, however hypothetical factors assumed to influence this problem are inadequate knowledge about reproductive health, inaccessibility to reproductive health services, poverty, early sexual practice, single parent care which lead to poor upbringing, attending initiation rites at early Teenage pregnancy has attracted a great deal of concern and attention from religious leaders, the general public, policymakers, and social scientists, particularly in the developed and less developed countries especially in Nigeria. Men and boys should be engaged as advocates against teenage pregnancy too. 4.1 The Causes of Teenage Pregnancy by Respondents The researcher sought to find out the major factors that lead to teenage pregnancy. Adolescent sexual behaviour for example, 29% of teens reported feeling pressure to have sex, 33% of sexually they didn’t really want to do. outcomes. In recent decades adolescent pregnancy has become an important health issue in a great number of countries, both developed and developing. A Review of Teenage Pregnancy in South Africa, Partners in Sexual Health, 2013 Page 1 A Review of Teenage Pregnancy in South Africa – Experiences of Schooling, and Knowledge and Access to Sexual & Reproductive Health Services ‘Girls subordinate position in the gender and social hierarchy contains their ability to make real This document also aims to support program planners and direct service providers in assessing theoretical frameworks that are relevant to the issue of adolescent pregnancy prevention and the types of interventions that they provide in their communities. now is teenage pregnancy in nigeria causes effect and control below. What Are The Effects of Teen Pregnancy? Adolescents account for a large part of the country’s population. The study identified the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy in kalingalinga compound of Lusaka province. The situation varies across counties; There are many reasons of teenage pregnancy, ranging from deficiency of parental control, lack of education on safe sex, pressure made by the peers, to sexual violence and rape. The conclusion includes implications for educa tors, researchers, and practitioners. There have already been some great answers here, but I’d like to address a couple that fall under the education category. girls’ girls . Teenage pregnancy--causes and concerns J Indian Med Assoc. Teenage pregnancy can lead to depression, poor school performance and emotional instability. Teen pregnancy is defined as any pregnancy occurring among adolescent girls aged 19 years or younger.1 In recent decades, the number of teens who have become pregnant worldwide has increased and become a major health issue for both developing and developed countries. Causes and Effect of Teenage Pregnancy “Despite the fact that the teen birth rate is slowly falling, there are still an estimated one million teen pregnancies in the United States alone’ (Sams, Urquhart). It is from this background therefore, that a study will be conducted on the causes of teenage pregnancy and its effects on academic progression of girls. Following are some of the contributing factors or causes of teenage pregnancy: 1) Lack of Parental Guidance: Most people evade their children from talking about sex. Teenage pregnancy is also widely known as adolescent pregnancy. incidents of teenage pregnancy that were reported in 2 320 schools in KwaZulu-Natal. Teenage pregnancy occurs in a woman 19 years of age or younger. According to Jackie, (2012) low self-esteem is among the causes of teenage pregnancy. Glamorization of Pregnancy. Incidence of low birth weight of term babies A big issue in the United States is the percentages of teenage pregnancy rates. There is an urgent need to address poverty as one of the root causes of teenage pregnancy, sensitize and create awareness on the School Re-entry Policy and engage teenage girls as stakeholders to develop interventions tailored towards their needs and concerns. The US teen pregnancy rate continues to be one of the highest in the developed world – more than twice the rates in Canada (28 per 1000 women aged 15–19)andSweden(31per1000)[11].Althoughthe teen pregnancy rates increased in 2006 and 2007, in 2008, the US teen pregnancy rate reached its lowest point in more than 30 years (67.8 per 1000 women Rates of teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom are the highest in Western Europe (EU-15) (DH 2009) and more than a quarter of young people in Britain have had sex before the age of 16 (Wellings et al. In some cases, they provide false information regarding sex and discourage their children to participate in … THE CAUSES AND EFFECT OF TEENAGE PREGNANCY ON THEIR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN EGOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF EDO STATE ABSTRACT This project was carried out in order to identify and examine the causes and effect of teenage pregnancy on their academic pursuit, including its general and social implications in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. aged 15-19 years [2]. This chapter will enable the reader to gain an insight into the concept of teenage pregnancy, teenage pregnancy, its causes its general and social consequences. Teenage Pregnancy In Nigeria Causes Some of the major causes of teenage pregnancy … Teenage pregnancy in South Africa is growing rapidly among school-going pupils and it leads to school drop-out as the teenage mothers have to leave school to care for their babies. Chen X-K, Wen SW, Fleming N, Demissie K, Rhoads GG, Walker M. Teenage pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes: a large population based retrospective cohort study. 6 Reasons That Cause Teenage Pregnancy. In 2008, the media made a lot of story about a 12-year-old boy who impregnated a girl in UK. • Teen pregnancy and motherhood rates in Kenya stand at 18%. Men and boys should be engaged as advocates against teenage pregnancy too. By capturing these realms from the perspective of the teenage mothers and locating it in a community level, the author presents a nuanced understanding of the previously established analyses on the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy. in a girl <20 years of age) is by no means a new phenomenon. Authors Neeru Gupta 1 , Sharda Jain. Family history of teen pregnancies; Single-parent families; Significant unresolved conflict between family members ; Some teenagers are vulnerable to rape and sexual abuse. [5,7,13,14,26] However, a man’s sexual relationship with a teenage girl is a critical component of a teenage pregnancy. Children who are not shown love and affection from parents will seek it out with their peer group. 2001). Some effects of early pregnancy will include an unexpected rise of responsibility for the teen and can cause many health concerns for both teen and newborn child. Teenage pregnancy can therefore be regarded as a major source of children in orphanages. could enjoy now is teenage pregnancy in nigeria causes effect and control below. Challenges In Adaklu District: The rate at which teenage girls are getting pregnant in Adaklu District in Ghana is very worrying. Mayor S. Pregnancy and childbirth are leading causes of death in teenage girls in developing countries. More . One of the major causes of teen pregnancy is absence of affectionate supervision from parents or guardians. 2004;328(7449):1152. About 1 in every 5 adolescent girls has either had a live birth, or is pregnant with her first child. Moreover, an early start to childbearing greatly reduces women’s educational and employment opportunities and is associated with higher levels of fertility. Teenage mothers will be referred here as adolescents who got pregnant between the ages 13 to 19. Teenage pregnancy is the harsh reality that many young adolescents are forced to deal with when they engage in sexual activity. Teenage pregnancy is often described and analysed as being a female adolescent problem. Primary data from a case-control study of teenage girls (aged 13–19 years) in Lira District, Uganda was analysed. Teenage mothers will be referred here as adolescents who got pregnant between the ages 13 to 19. Developmental costs of teenage pregnancy High rates of teenage pregnancy have devastating impacts. Teenage pregnancy rates are tracked with concern and there are regular media reports about the issue of teen pregnancy. A woman can get pregnant if she has vaginal sex with a man at any age after … CONTRIBUTING FACTORS Lack of Parental Guidance: Most people evade their children from talking about sex. ... Adolescent Sexual Behavior: Among the adolescents, peer pressure is a major factor that encourages the teenage boys and girls to indulge in sexual activities. ... Inadequate Knowledge about Safe Sex: Most adolescents are unaware of safe sex. ... More items... In many societies, girls may be under pressure to marry and bear children early, or they may have limited educational and employment prospects. Recent evidence suggests that it is as high as 29% in females and 27% in males (French et al 2007). Teenage pregnancy has a Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and associated factors of teenage pregnancy in Wogedi, northeast Ethiopia. Teen mothers are more likely to experience posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than other teenage women, as well(“Effects of Teenage Pregnancy: Mental Health”). Other provinces that were reported to have higher incidents of teenage pregnancy included Limpopo, Gauteng and Free State. 2008 Aug;106(8):516, 518-9. The term in everyday speech usually refers to girls who have not reached Peer Pressure. Whilst teenage pregnancy has been presented as a serious challenge facing Chapter three involves the research method. Similarly, teenagers from the poorest households are more likely to have begun childbearing (26 percent) than teenagers from the wealthiest households (10 percent). Results: The factors contributing to teenage pregnancy included: In recent years the media has portrayed teenage pregnancy as just… The high teenage pregnancy rate (31%), median age of first pregnancy at 19 years, an estimated 30% of adolescent pregnancies ending in an abortion, and early marriages create great challenges, and impede the Early teenage pregnancy can cause severe health problems for both the mother and child. 4.1 The Causes of Teenage Pregnancy by Respondents The researcher sought to find out the major factors that lead to teenage pregnancy. Ebooks are available as PDF, EPUB, Kindle and plain text files, though not all titles are available in all formats. Young people experiencing risk factors for teenage pregnancy are highly concentrated within particular areas and among vulnerable groups. Many adolescents report feeling pressured by their peers to have sex before they are married. Similarly, teenage pregnancy accounts for about 70,000 deaths annually. Despite the extensive attention given to adolescent sexuality and teenage pregnancy in the past 30 years, many teenagers were still a victim in Akoko districts of Ondo State. The causes of teenage pregnancy include the following: In some places early pregnancy is seen as a blessing and a proof of the young woman’s fertility. 2001). Evidently, in 2008, there where four births with fathers at the age of 13 years (ONS, 2008). Article Google Scholar 4. The WHO has pointed to teenage pregnancy as the leading cause of death for adolescent girls in developing countries (WHO, 2012: 1).
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