Smart Materials and Structures is a multi-disciplinary journal dedicated to technical advances in (and applications of) smart materials, systems and structures; including intelligent systems, sensing and actuation, adaptive structures, and active control. Technical areas concerned with smart materials and structures. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. Impact Factor*: the average number of citations received by articles published in the journal within a two-year window. 2019 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics): 32/130 (Engineering, Mechanical) 135/314 (Materials Science, Multidisciplinary) It includes communications, reviews, and feature articles on topics in chemistry, physics, nanotechnology, ceramics, metallurgy, and biomaterials. Access this Journal on Taylor & Francis Online; Journal Metrics Materials and Structures, the flag-ship publication of RILEM, provides a unique international and interdisciplinary forum for new and unpublished research on the performance of construction materials. Impact Factor 3.057 (2019 Journal Citation Reports®); 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.424 (2019) ... an Open Access Journal by MDPI materials IMPACT FACTOR 3.057. Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2020) 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.267 ℹ Five-Year Impact Factor: 2019: … Key subject areas include the science, development, and practice of lithographic, computational, etch, and integration technologies. Four issues a year. Impact Factor – 2016 Journal Impact Factors are published each summer by Clarivate Analytics via Journal Citation Reports ®. The Journal of Composites Science is a new, online, open access journal, which aims to focus on advanced technology and the development of composites and composite structures.[...] The new and innovative materials, mix design, soil stabilization and environmental aspects of handling and re-use of road materials are also crucial. Polimeru, V.K., A. Sahu and A. Laskar (2019), Comparative Study of 1D and 2D Simulation Models of Hollow RC Bridge Columns under Reversed Cyclic Loads, Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, Volume 1, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 11, Springer Singapore, pp. (3years) Total Cites (3years) Apply. JMES is a peer-reviewed, open-access, and quarterly online-published international journal covering more than six sections in the engineering structure field and material such as (but not limited): Materials - Innovative Materials - Engineering Materials Structures - Modelling - Applied Mechanics; Technology and … in 2016 and 2017. Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures « JMES » Valuation means the dissemination of scientific results but also providing advice and guidance to authors whom articles are not selected. Country: United Kingdom Topics: Mechanical Engineering Mechanics of Materials Metals and Alloys Materials Chemistry Publisher: Maney Publishing It includes communications, reviews, and feature articles on topics in chemistry, physics, nanotechnology, ceramics, metallurgy, and biomaterials. M. A. Karami and D. J. Inman, “Powering Pacemakers with Heartbeat Vibrations”, in Micro Energy Harvesting, Wiley, 2015. Aci Structural Journal Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. Impact Authors choose a particular journal to submit to for a variety of reasons; one of the most important is the quality or impact of the journal. Publication Frequency: JMES is published quarterly online in March, June, September, December. About this journal. Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures - Volume 1 Issue 1 to Volume 17 Issue 4 ... to analyze the causes and consequences of aviation failures and hence it can be used as tool to analyze failures in the structures, components and functions of the products. This peer-reviewed journal continues the publishing tradition the Institute started in 1904. Impact factor measures the quality of the Journal. Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures « JMES ». Materials and Structures Journal Metrics 2016 Days from submission to first decision – 2016 ... 5 Year Impact Factor – 2016 The 5-year journal Impact Factor is the average number of times articles from the journal published in the past five years that have been cited in the JCR year. Display journals with at least. The journal publishes papers which contribute to knowledge in the use of composite materials in engineering structures. in 2016 and 2017. Special Issue dedicated to papers from the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2019 Symposium on “Phase Transformations in Shape Memory Materials: Modeling and Applications” Edited by John A. Shaw , Aaron Stebner , Chad M. Landis , Stelios Kyriakides 2018 Journal Impact Factor is the ratio of the number of citations achieved in the year 2018 based on Google Search and Google Scholar Citations to the total number of articles published in the last two years i.e. Sustainability is the capacity to endure in a relatively ongoing way across various domains of life. Edited By: Youshi Hong (Editor-in-Chief), Richard W. Neu, Filippo Berto and Masahiro Endo (Editors) Impact factor: 3.031. Smart Materials and Structures (SMS) is a multi-disciplinary engineering journal that explores the creation and utilization of novel forms of transduction. Journal of building materials and structures. The impact score (IS), also denoted as Journal impact score (JIS), of an academic journal … Materials and Structures, the flagship publication of the International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM), provides a unique international and interdisciplinary forum for new research findings on the performance of construction materials. The journal covers both basic and applied research in physics, engineering and materials science … Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures is an international journal which aims to publish original and creative research contributions relating to multidiscipline modeling, design, optimization in materials and structures. Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2013-Present) Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2013-Present) Materials Advances (2020-Present) Journal information. SJR uses a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of the journal’s impact. It covers contributions from not only the classical subdivisions, but also from recently developing areas and interdisciplinary subjects. The Journal Impact Factor is published each year by Clarivate Analytics. The main components of road materials are bitumens, additives, bituminous mixes, asphalt concrete, cement concrete, unbound granular materials, soils, and geo-composites. Covid-19 Journal Articles Issues; 447427511630; Materials Science Journals. In the railway bridge analysis and design method, dynamic train loads are regarded as static loads enhanced by an impact factor (IF). Book Chapters. Journal Rankings on Materials Science (miscellaneous) Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals. A peer-reviewed journal that disseminates information on the development of new civil engineering materials, the processing and field production of those materials, the evaluation of construction materials properties, and the application and performance of civil engineering materials. Advanced Materials is a weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal covering materials science. December 2006, issue 10; November 2006, issue 9. Preparing your manuscript. For example: A = the number of times articles published in a specific journal in … It is calculated by Materials Science Journals are Peer Reviewed and open Access, publishing the top quality research in the fields of metals, polymers, ... 2.75 (5 Yr Journal Impact Factor) Citations Report: Journal of Powder Metallurgy & Mining : 1.619 . KAIST. The Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology (JM 3), f ormerly the Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, publishes peer-reviewed papers on the core enabling technologies that address the patterning needs of the electronics industry. The International Journal of Research on Engineering Structures and Materials (RESM) aims to be a forum for the discussion, development and dissemination of the technical and scientific knowledge in related areas. Mohsen Safaei et al 2019 Smart … Journal is indexed by; The international journal of Research on Engineering Structures and Materials (RESM) is currently Absracted/Indexed by CrossRef, Google Scholar, Universal Impact Factor, Scientific Indexing Service, Research Bible, CiteFactor and under evaluation by many respected indexes. 5 Year Impact Factor: 5.169 (2019) ... designers and researchers involved in structures or structural components manufactured using composite materials. Impact Factor of Materials And Structures, 1359-5997. The Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research reporting the results of experimental or theoretical work on any aspect of intelligent materials systems and/or structures research also called smart structure, smart materials, active materials, adaptive structures and adaptive materials. ACI Structural Journal. About this journal. The journal aspires to a broad and integrated coverage of these principles and technologies to structures and structural components, considering all classes of engineering structural materials (steel, steel and fiber … Materials and Structures Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. It is a measure of the number of times an average paper in a particular journal is cited during the preceding two years. Journal of Materials Science and Nanomaterials provides a high quality platform for researchers, academicians and professionals from across the globe to promote advances in knowledge, research and practice in the fields of Materials Science and Nanomaterials. Smart Materials and Structures is a multi-disciplinary journal dedicated to technical advances in (and applications of) smart materials, systems and structures; including intelligent systems, sensing and actuation, adaptive structures, and active control. The journal publishes papers which contribute to knowledge in the use of composite materials in engineering structures. We are now proud to introduce the newest member of the Small Family, Small Structures, a premium interdisciplinary journal focusing on cutting-edge research on sub-macroscopic structures … Journal of the Dynamic Behavior of Materials is a peer reviewed archival journal on the science and engineering of material and structural response to dynamic loading focused on high strain-rate, impact, blast, penetration, and shock response. Journal Impact Factor: 2.8* ... Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering deals with the architecture, civil engineering, transport structures, environmental engineering, building materials, and technology management. Book Chapters. The Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering research on the mechanics of materials and deformable structures of all types. This Instruction to Authors is to provide help for authors who wish to submit their papers in double column format to some Techno-Press journals. A peer-reviewed journal that reports on advances and innovative ideas in computing as applicable to the engineering profession including recent developments in computer science, information science, computer engineering, knowledge engineering, and other technical fields. Impact Factor 2.217 (2018) ; 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.287 (2018) The journal publishes papers which contribute to knowledge in the use of composite materials in engineering structures. Advanced Materials is a weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal covering materials science. Mater. Effects of CFRP bond locations on the Mode I stress intensity factor of centre-cracked tensile steel plates, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Volume: 36, Issue: 2, Pages: 154-167. Applied Sciences in generaland this Sectionon Applied Materials in particular decision. Tables of contents (Vol. [8] Guang Xiang Yang, Hua Liang and Chao Wu. Subject coverage. The International Journal of Research on Engineering Structures and Materials (RESM) is a peer-reviewed open access journal (p-ISSN: 2148-9807; o-ISSN: 2149-4088) published by MIM Research Group.Publication frequency was 2 before 2017. The International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (IJCSM) provides a forum targeted for engineers and scientists around the globe to present and discuss various topics related to concrete, concrete structures and other applied materials incorporating cement cementitious binder, and polymer or fiber in conjunction with … Editorial Office Materials Editorial Office ... between the structures, properties, applications or ... Top journals as determined by Thomson Reuters Journal Impact Factor 2019 Rankings. Impact Factors and ranking data are presented for the preceding calendar year. 323 Performance of coconut shell ash and palm kernel shell ash as partial replacement for cement in concrete 301 The effect of hybrid steel fiber on the properties of fresh and hardened self-compacting concrete 279 Effect of content and fineness of slag as high volume cement replacement on strength and durability of … ISSN: 0889-3241. JAS brings together emerging technologies for adaptive smart structures, including advanced materials, smart actuation, sensing and control, to pursue the progressive adoption of the major … The Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research reporting the results of experimental or theoretical work on any aspect of intelligent materials systems and/or structures research also called smart structure, smart materials, active materials, adaptive structures and adaptive materials. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures. Materials and Structures, ... Journal metrics 2.901 (2019) Impact factor 3.293 (2019) Five year impact factor 46 days Submission to first decision 161 days Submission to acceptance 410,595 (2020) Downloads. The Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research reporting the results of experimental or theoretical work on any aspect of intelligent materials systems and/or structures research also called smart structure, smart materials, active materials, adaptive structures … ISSN: 1359-5997. 5 Year Impact Factor*: the average … Model reduction for the forming process of fibrous composites structures via second gradient enriched continuum models. Smart Materials and Structures achieved its highest ever Impact Factor of 3.543, a 20 per cent increase on last year. Issue 3, June 2021 Smart Materials and Structures. About this Journal; ... Journal of Materials Chemistry A Impact factor: 11.301 | Issues per year: 48. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. The IF coefficients for various railway bridges have been reported as a function of span length or frequency of the bridges in Eurocode (2003). Journal Impact Factor Report 2019-2020, Impact Factor of Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions Journal description. Special Issue: Volume changes, cracking and durability (Guest Editor: David Lange) October 2006, issue 8 The impact factor (IF) 2020 of Smart Materials and Structures is 3.74, which is computed in 2021 as per it's definition.Smart Materials and Structures IF is decreased by a factor of 0.26 and approximate percentage change is -6.5% when compared to preceding year 2019, which shows a falling trend. 5 Year Impact Factor: 3.775 ... digital technologies for the analysis and design of engineering structures. Mohsen Safaei et al 2019 … About the Journal. Access this Journal on Taylor & Francis Online 1 - … The Journal of Earthquake Engineering is a publication of peer-reviewed papers on research and development in analytical, experimental and field studies of earthquakes from an engineering seismology as well as a structural engineering viewpoint. Q1 = 25% of journals with the highest Impact Factors. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials publishes the following article types: Click the relevant link to find style and formatting information for the article you are going to submit. Structures and materials. To access the online version of this journal, subscribing RILEM Members should go through their private area. Nature. Science Publications is pleased to announce the launch of a new open access journal, Journal of Adaptive Structures. Composite Structures, an International Journal, disseminates knowledge between users, manufacturers, designers and researchers involved in structures or structural components manufactured using composite materials. Please use the menu bar to navigate between publication types. 2018 Journal Impact Factor is the ratio of the number of citations achieved in the year 2018 based on Google Search and Google Scholar Citations to the total number of articles published in the last two years i.e. Do-Won Kim, Shin-Mu Park, and Jae Hyuk Lim * Prediction of the transverse elastic modulus of the unidirectional composites by an artificial neural network with fiber positions and volume fraction, Functional Composites and Stru ctures … Information published in ACI Structural Journal includes: structural design, analysis of concrete elements and structures, research related to concrete elements and structures, and papers addressing design and analysis theory. Composite Structures, an International Journal, disseminates knowledge between users, manufacturers, designers and researchers involved in structures or structural components manufactured using composite materials. Struct. 2018 Impact Factor release: Materials and Structures' 2018 Impact Factor is 2.548 (Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports® 2019). 1, 1968 to … Nano Research and Applications (ISSN: 2471-9838 ) is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses mainly on the progressive aspects of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.Nano research journal has a wide scope as it tries to inculcate innovative research ideas in the field of Nano science, including scientific … Impact factor measures the quality of the Journal. It was established by Charles R. Steele, who was also the first editor … IJSMSS promotes and fosters discussion involving sustainable materials, components, structures, and infrastructural systems, with emphasis on technical advances in sustainable materials and structural systems. 183-191, ISBN: 978-981-13-0361-6 (Eds. Advanced materials have emerged as important players in environmental sustainability for the assessment of habitation strategies, zero-energy infrastructures, materials utilization, new innovations, green practices, etc. Latest issue. Fattore di Impatto 2020-2021| Analisi, Trend, Ranking & Previsione - Academic Accelerator 0,583 materials & design; 0,274 materials and corrosion-werkstoffe und korrosion; 0,228 materials and manufacturing processes; 0,363 materials and structures; 0,364 materials at high temperatures; 0,423 materials characterization; 0,778 materials chemistry and physics; 0,549 materials evaluation; 0,892 materials letters Reflecting its growth, the journal has also expanded its own family with the first exceptionally successful sister journal, Small Methods (2019 impact factor of 12.13). A guide to finding articles and reference materials for students in the field of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Citable Docs. Smart Materials and Structures. 37. Gabriele Barbagallo, Marco Valerio d’Agostino, Alexios Aivaliotis, Ali Daouadji, Ahmed Makradi, Gaetano Giunta, Philippe Boisse, Salim Belouettar & Angela Madeo. Daejeon, 34141, Korea. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2019 impact factor of 27.398. Journal of Steel Structures & Construction is an Open Access journal presents the latest developments in the field of Architectural Designing, Interior Designing and Steel Industry and aims to publish most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the mode of original articles, … In the 21st century, it refers generally to the capacity for Earth's biosphere and human civilization to co-exist. Other types of health-related research: Consult the EQUATOR web site for appropriate reporting … For the list of Techno-Press journals in double column format: ( Journals) 1. Special Issue: Research for reliable timber structures / Recherches pour la fiabilité des constructions en bois (Guest Editor: Klaus Richter) Volume 39 January - December 2006. The Impact Factor is considered the number 1 ranking value for scientific journals and has become a substantial part of any journal development discussion. SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2019: 0.987 SJR is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. It is a leading journal in the area of smart materials and structures, publishing the most important results from different regions of the world, largely from Asia, Europe and North … You may refer to my google scholar page for publication information as well.. The journal aspires to be one of the top-ranking premier source of research and innovation in the science and practice of mechanical and mechatronic engineering in Australasia and around the world, and seeks to disseminate high impact publications that will advance the practice of engineering. We had been keeping an eye on citations of recently published articles and so were cautiously optimistic before the 2008 Journal Citation Report ® Impact Factors were published by Clarivate. : A. Rama Mohan Rao and K. Ramanjaneyulu). Journal Insights determines impact using several different metrics, all of which are statistically sound, and provide authors with valuable information to support their selection. Each issue covers topics such as: analysis, design, testing, applications, … Science. About the journal The past few decades have seen outstanding advances in the use of composite materials in structural applications . Journal of Renewable Materials (JRM) is an interdisciplinary journal publishing original research covering all aspects of bio-based materials, sustainable materials, and green chemistry. The journal deals with the creation of materials with novel properties at micro- and nanometer scale and their use in a variety of fields. ... Engineering Structures. J. Mech. The journal publishes experimental, theoretical, modeling and … 2019 Impact Factor: 42.778. Soil-rock mixture is a common filling material for earth dam and subgrade. A leader in cutting-edge research, the journal … For external visitors, they are invited to either select one of the 3 following sub-headings, or have a look at the tables of contents to discover the articles published in Materials & Structures. Instructions to Authors (Last updated: Jan 16, 2020) Introduction. Journal publication frequency is increased to 3 in 2017 and to 4 in 2018. Did you expect Smart Materials & Structures to become highly cited, or is this surprising to you?. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2019 impact factor of 27.398. Journal Impact Factor: 0.8 (2 Years Impact Factor) Index Copernicus Value: 84.95. APL Materials is a gold open access journal that features research in all areas of materials science, including topics in nanomaterials, energy materials, soft materials, optical and photonic materials, electronic and magnetic materials, and interfaces. Volume 54. devices, the use of functional materials in applications related to energy and the environment and novel manufacturing techniques, such as additive manufacturing, are highly welcomed. (3years) Citable Docs. Download data. The Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials is an international peer reviewed journal publishing developments in the science, technology, and professional practices of sandwich construction throughout the world. Impact Factor Best Quartile*: the journal’s highest subject category ranking in the Journal Citation Reports. 1. Journal Impact IF 2020-2021| Analysis, Trend, Ranking & Prediction - Academic Accelerator ISSN 2170-127X. Impact Factor: 3.213 ℹ Impact Factor: 2019: 3.213 The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. This May 2021 special issue is based on the “Sustainable materials … Composite Structures, an International Journal, disseminates knowledge between users, manufacturers, designers and researchers involved in structures … 2.031 SJR – 2016 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) is … Materials is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of materials science and engineering published semimonthly online by MDPI.The Portuguese Materials Society (SPM), Spanish Materials Society (SOCIEMAT) and Manufacturing Engineering Society (MES) are affiliated with Materials and their members receive … 1.185 (5 Yr Journal Impact Factor) (SCIE, Impact Factor 7.094, JCR Ranking 5.77%, 2 out of 26 composite journals, 2020). The review could also disseminate information (calls for papers, theses ...) to research community. Materials And Structures Journal Impact Factor ISSN :: 1359-5997 MATER STRUCT The researchers, professionals and practitioners in the following areas are expected to mainly contribute and benefit from the journal… Journal of Materials Chemistry B (2013-Present) Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2013-Present) Materials Advances (2020-Present) Journal information. The impact factor (IF), also denoted as Journal impact factor (JIF), of an academic journal … The impact score (IS) 2020 of Smart Materials and Structures is 3.74, which is computed in 2021 as per it's definition.Smart Materials and Structures IS is decreased by a factor of 0.26 and approximate percentage change is -6.5% when compared to preceding year 2019, which shows a falling trend. Pages: 1061-1072. Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems - All Years ASME 2020 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS2020) ASME 2019 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS2019) View Full-Text This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, …
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