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imprudent expenditure

What went wrong? Imprudent expenditure, such as enormous tombs and extensive ceremonies are also problematic, especially if the character can't really afford it. UPMIFA allows a charity to appropriate for expenditure, or accumulate, so much of an endowment fund as the charity determines is prudent for the purposes for which the fund was established. 13 of 2019 of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG) includes important audit findings noticed in test check of accounts and records of Central Public Sector Enterprises and Corporations owned by Government of India conducted by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India … Also Read. Imprudent expenditure, such as enormous tombs and extensive ceremonies are also problematic, especially if the character can't really afford it. A prudent investment considers … Depending on the feasibility of these estimates, budgets are of three types -- balanced budget, surplus budget and deficit budget. gal (prŏd′ĭ-gəl) adj. Encourage the introduction of new financial products. More US troops could be deployed to Afghanistan in the coming months to “help” in the withdrawal process, the Pentagon said on Friday.. and imprudent expenditure. gal (prŏd′ĭ-gəl) adj. Women are the world’s most powerful consumers, and their impact on the economy is … The principal problem is to manage the quality of interaction between politicians, the broader polity and the fiscal system by creating incentives for fiscal discipline and reprioritisation of public expenditure and more […] The Compensation Committee, with the assistance of management, included a risk assessment in its overall review of the Company’s compensation policies and practices in the 2020 Fiscal Year and concluded that they did not, and do not, motivate imprudent risk taking. I’m guessing you earn less than A$200,000. Populist but fiscally imprudent budget. Regarding our initial review, we are satisfied that the revised repex forecast provided by Ausgrid in its RRP: i. Antonyms for lavishness. In 1962, with expenditure on infrastructure projects already approaching levels some thought imprudent, Sheikh Rashid approached his brother in law, the Ruler of Qatar, for a loan to build the first bridge crossing Dubai's creek. Capex typically varies from year to year. –due to imprudent, politically motivated decisions made over the past five years –Board says company faces uncertain future. In the run up to an election, the adoption of imprudent expenditure plans or the simple avoidance of difficult decisions are commonplace occurrences. Noun ()abundance; the state of being profuse; a cornucopia ; His hair, in great profusion , streamed down over his shoulders. Capex is the cost of purchasing and installing assets like poles and wires. Regarding our initial review, we are satisfied that the revised repex forecast provided by Ausgrid in its RRP: i. The article also quoted Dr. William Marshner, founding professor of theology at Christendom College. Inefficient or imprudent capex overspends capitalised operating expenditure (opex) inflated related party margins. imprudent definition: 1. unwise, by failing to consider the likely results of your actions: 2. unwise, by failing to…. 688 Pages. Applicable to all customers receiving service under East Ohio’s sales, transportation and ... unreasonable, or imprudent by the Commission in the docket in which those rates were approved and (2) any case ordered by the Commission to address the … 8. 6.7(A) Prior to incurring any commitment or expenditure for a Joint Operation which commitment or expenditure is estimated to be in excess of U.S. dollars one hundred thousand (U.S. $100,000) for any line item in an approved Work Program and Budget, Operator shall send to … An independent expenditure, in elections in the United States, is a political campaign communication that expressly advocates for the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate that is not made in cooperation, consultation or concert with; or at the request or suggestion of a candidate, candidate's authorized committee or political party. From a previous post, we know that the average expenditure by U.S. consumers is huge. Imprudent definition is - not prudent : lacking discretion, wisdom, or good judgment. 1918, Edgar Rice Burroughs, The Land That Time Forgot Chapter VI We set the men at work felling trees, selecting for the purpose jarrah, a hard, weather-resisting timber which grew in profusion near by. She acted with a customary impulse that was imprudent with such a nature as Desmond O'Connor's. A government budget is an annual financial statement which outlines the estimated government expenditure and expected government receipts or revenues for the forthcoming fiscal year. Emperor, Geoffrey Parker’s recent biography of Charles V, left a deep impression, so I couldn’t wait to read Imprudent King too. The combination of imprudent lenders, inexperienced borrowers, weak supervision and a booming economy proved fatal. It is generally assumed that in developing countries a large portion of public expenditures is lost to fraud, waste, and corruption—as some high-ranking … A prudent investment refers to the recognized use of financial assets that are suitable for an investor’s goals and objectives. We might be tempted to regard this expenditure as being merely “imprudent,” not unjust. There may also be suggestions that some forms of mourning — like seclusion — are less prudent than others — such as commemorating the dead with charitable donations. Lavish or imprudent expenditure; prodigality or extravagance. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the latest data for 2019 shows the average U.S. household spends $63,036 a year and … Expense Ratio Amount, expressed as a percentage of total investment, that shareholders pay for MUTUAL FUND operating expenses and management fees. 1. The charity must consider: The duration and preservation of the endowment fund, The purposes of the charity and the fund, General economic conditions, input over another, and the regulator has no authority to deny reimbursement for ‘imprudent’ expenditures. The charity must consider: The duration and preservation of the endowment fund, The purposes of the charity and the fund, General economic conditions, “Without a doubt, soaring debt burden, imprudent fiscal planning, and nearly a decade of misplaced expenditure priorities have beaten a clear path to fiscal crisis for many Nigerian states Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. The recommendation to look at options to exclude imprudent capital expenditure from future capital programs, is back to the future. Prevent unlawful or imprudent practices. Imprudent Expenditures of Escrow Funds Although within the scope of state law, the Harrison County Board of Supervisors expends escrow funds imprudently without any measurable benefit to the county as a whole. The guard said, in profusion of the class-struggle snetiment.. As a broad rule, it is considered fiscally imprudent for a government to borrow money for “revenue” … Any communication that is paid for by an individual or political committee and that is "coordinated" with a specific candidate or party committee And I’m guessing you think you’re missing out. Streaming treasury transactions- Rushing of bills, Drawing of advance and hasty and imprudent expenditure towards close of the financial year- Avoidance of instructions issued; Filling up the post of Member of the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission- Applications invited- Reg (32) And Richard Dorset was notorious for his extravagant expenditures on his clothing and his love of gambling; Clifford repeatedly criticizes him for "his profuseness in consuming his estate" (63) and for his "excessive prodigality in house-keeping, & other Noble ways at … 1. Volume 1. In view of all these factors, DBIA believes that payment of a stipend is a best practice on most design-build projects. As noted, I have real experience with the adage that what goes up must come down. ... carefully designed labour-intensive details with a great expenditure in planning and above all manufacture. 1100 Words You Need To Know - Barron 1st edition. * 1918 , (Edgar Rice Burroughs), Chapter VI We set the men at work felling trees, selecting for the purpose jarrah, a hard, weather-resisting timber which grew in profusion near by. It is the test of a solid thought that it will bear a change of clothing. It has also been shown that both providers and insurers respond to such eco-nomic incentives: doctors and hospitals change how they treat patients in response to Medicare How to use imprudent in a sentence. Imprudent liquidity management can put banks' earnings and reputation at great risk. In other words, prepaid expenses are expenditures paid in one accounting … abundance; the state of being profuse; a cornucopia His hair, in great profusion, streamed down over his shoulders. The HIPC initiative was actually put in place to cut down the poorest countries debt so as to enable them scale-up their poverty-reducing expenditure. Around 34% of the expenditure was on defence during 1970–71, interest payment had 19% share while the subsidies were at 3%. In this period of fiscal crisis and tightening of public expenditure budgets, it is especially interesting to look at the extent to which public expenditures are wasted. Find 44 ways to say LAX, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. There is no denying that a rising wage bill is cause for concern. It is not easy to land a job in the state and it would be very imprudent if you start living here without getting one. Did the Town of York engage in imprudent budgeting practice by authorizing a greater amount of expenditures than revenues estimated for the year, or potentially violate town or state balanced-budget laws? An expenditure is recorded at a single point in that have not yet been recorded by a company as an expense, but have been paid for in advance. Despite the Postal Service's mandate to curtail spending, its inspector general found that "imprudent spending continues to occur, including continued purchases of … Chapter 3 Income and Expenditure Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Streaming treasury transactions- Rushing of bills, Drawing of advance and hasty and imprudent expenditure towards close of the financial year- Avoidance of instructions issued; Filling up the post of Member of the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission- Applications invited- Reg He made a practical attempt to reduce this influence as one of the leaders of the movement that pressed for parliamentary control of royal patronage and expenditure. While these early losses are certainly not desirable, they are manageable and far better than many feared. bnm limiting imprudent consumption/ muhammad adli musa 489 to allocate the payments received to rstly settle the balances attracting the highest interest (Bank Negara Malaysia, 2012, pp. To these ends, I hereby direct that for any further commitments, obligations, or expenditures of funds under the Recovery Act, the head of each executive department or agency shall immediately take all necessary steps, to the extent consistent with the Act and other applicable law, to comply with this memorandum. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. (a) Funds under the Recovery Act shall not be committed, obligated, or expended by any executive department or agency, and shall not be used by any State or local governmental or private grantee or awardee, to support projects of the type described in section 1604 of Division A of the … Given the fall in states’ revenues due to the pandemic and the states deeming imprudent to slash revenue expenditure, their capex has been hit … and imprudent expenditure. To promise a radical shift of policy in the direction of more government expenditure, paid for either by borrowing or by increased taxation, or both, is imprudent, to say the least. A deviation from the standard operating procedures and editorial policy, over the past five years, has exposed the Guyana National Newspapers Limited (GNNL) to millions of dollars in liabilities. Unwise or indiscreet; not prudent. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. not prudent; lacking discretion; rash: an imprudent remark. ly adv. Any advocacy in political, strategic and military hierarchy circles to downsize the Indian Army from its present levels of 1.3 million is strategically imprudent … Second, the principle allows as prudent exactly the actions that we are most prone to judge imprudent. The regulations may be used as a safeguard against imprudent companies, and as a signal to the market and consumers. These examples are from the Cambridge English Corpus and from sources on the web.

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