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bangladesh exports vs pakistan exports

Industries contribute a lot to the development of the country. Bangladesh exports for 2018 was $40.56B, a 8.03% increase from 2017. I’m a Bangladeshi & i know that very well. Also shown is the percentage share each export category represents in terms of overall exports from Bangladesh. Trade > Exports > Export growth in USD: Export values are the current value of exports (f.o.b.) Pakistan Product Exports to Bangladesh 2015 Value of products exported by Pakistan to Bangladesh along with their export share, world growth in percentage, country growth in percentage and revealed comparitive advantage for the year 2015. According to the IMF’s projection, the Indian economy will fall anywhere between 10.3 – 10.6 per cent, while Bangladesh’s economy will grow by 4 per cent. Pakistan exports for 2016 was $25.48B, a 11.17% decline from 2015. Textiles and apparel account for more than half of Pakistan's export earnings; Pakistan's failure to diversify its exports has left the country vulnerable to shifts in world demand. Bangladesh produces no cotton but, to the chagrin of Pakistan… Thus, when Bangladesh separated from Pakistan, it did not have the law. Its growth rate last year (7.8%) put it at par with India (8%) and well above Pakistan (5.8%). The debt per capita for Bangladesh ($434) is less than half that for Pakistan ($974), and its foreign exchange reserves ($32 billion) are four times Pakistan’s ($8bn). Bangladesh : Pakistan . WDI Tables. Of the total exports $5.84 billion came from the apparel products, which posted 4.68% growth. Bangladesh exports for 2019 was $46.36B, a 14.31% increase from 2018. Exports: The top exports of Bangladesh are Non-Knit Men's Suits ($7.06B), … Export contributes a great deal to Bangladesh's growth, contributing 14% to 20% to its national GDP. Although a decrease from … Bangladesh exports for 2017 was $37.55B, a 1.85% increase from 2016. Bangladesh was least prosperous country in whole South Asian countries. The statistic shows the share of total exports of ready-made garments (RMG) in Bangladesh from 2010 to 2018. In 2018, the share of RMG exports amounted to approximately 83.49 percent of the total exports, indicating an increase of 2.26 index points compared to 2017. You need a Premium Account for unlimited access. Knit or crochet clothing, accessories: US$20.3 billion (44.5% of total exports) Bangladesh exports for 2016 was $36.86B, a 9% increase from 2015. On the one hand, Bangladesh has achieved these impressive statistics that show an outstanding national income, rising exports and impressive flow of foreign earnings. US-China trade war and good performance of apparel exports in non-traditional markets acted as a catalyst for the rise in apparel export. Pakistan's exports grew 8.32% and 18.30% in Nov, Dec 2020 India's exports recorded negative growth of -9.07% in Nov and -0.80% in Dec Bangladesh saw exports fall by 0.76% in Nov and … So instead of boasting and leg pulling we must focus on our devlopment and control extremism in any form. Exports of goods and services (current LCU) Exports as a capacity to import (constant LCU) Gross capital formation (current LCU) Gross capital formation (current US$) Download. Note: India's GDP per capita is still comparable to Pakistan & Bangladesh. About 20 percent of Bangladesh’s export receipts come from the US. Pakistan’s currency Rupee is now trading well below the value of Bangladesh’s Taka: Tk 85 fetches one US dollar, whereas it costs more than Rs 155 in Pakistan. In the initial years of its independence with Pakistan, Bangladesh struggled to grow fast. All Countries and Economies. A 2011 Deloitte-Touche study predicts that Bangladesh’s garment industry shall rise to … Economy, Asia - Pacific Pakistan's export growth tops India, Bangladesh: Leader Compared to Pakistan, exports of India, Bangladesh 'showed negative growth' … By the end of the year 2018, the total denim exports by Bangladesh to the EU stood at Country comparison Bangladesh vs Pakistan Subscribe to our free email alert service Compare. Exports in Bangladesh increased to 279.01 BDT Billion in March from 228.20 BDT Billion in February of 2021. Textile and apparel manufacturing add in most of the export earnings of Pakistan. Bangladesh’s overall merchandise export earnings have registered a 10.55% growth to $40.53 billion in the just-concluded fiscal year, riding mainly on apparel exports, according to the provisional data of Export Promotion Bureau (EPB). The average American tariff for knitwear or crocheted clothing is 18.7 percent and 15.8 percent for non-knitted clothing, the two highest average rates out of 98 broad import categories. Overall Pakistan incurred a -$23.5 billion trade deficit during 2020, down by -10.6% from -$26.3 billion in red ink one year earlier. India vs US vs China vs Pakistan vs Bangladesh: This will be the fastest growing economy in the world The GEP presented a gloomy outlook for the world as a whole: Growth was projected to slow to 2.9 per cent for the current year, down from the estimated 3 per cent for the last year and to grow only by 2.8 per cent in the next two years. Below are exports from Pakistan that result in negative net exports or product trade balance deficits. Akhter International (Toys-Apparel-Agro) Akhter International was established in 1970. Bangladesh is located in Southern Asia, bordering the Bay of Bengal, between Myanmar and India. Pakistan exports for 2018 was $28.22B, a 12.22% increase from 2017. Pakistan receives products from India through all the routes, depending upon the product which is sent and to the Bangladesh, mostly land or rail route is preferred but now, as the relation between both the countries have become strong, India tends to export products from other modes also, like though sea route. Exports in Pakistan averaged 53807.83 PKR Million from 1957 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 378792 PKR Million in December of 2020 and a record low of 51 PKR Million in April of 1958. Germany imported 15.23% goods of Bangladesh’s total exports. Pakistan economy destroyed and textile industry shifted because of the power shortages and it's expense price, pakistan textile was moved to Bangladesh and Pakistan … Bangladesh vs. Pakistan. Online tool for visualization and analysis. The report -- The World in 2030: Our long-term projections for 75 countries -- showed Bangladesh's economy would jump 16 notches, the highest by any country between 2018 and 2030. This helped Bangladesh establish itself as a hub for cheap labour, and a base for its booming manufacturing industry. In 2002, Pakistan and Bangladesh had identical export earnings from garments at $2.5 billion each. It is proudly … Pakistan produces garments, sportswear, leather items, etc. The following export product groups represent the highest dollar value in Bangladeshi global shipments during 2019. Exports in Bangladesh averaged 54.81 BDT Billion from 1972 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 279.82 BDT Billion in July of 2019 and a record low of 0.05 BDT Billion in February of 1972. Overall Pakistan’s exports to other countries witnessed decline of 7.22 per cent during fiscal year under review, from $24.256 billion to $22.504 billion, the SBP data revealed. Overview: In 2019 Pakistan was the number 42 economy in the world in terms of GDP (current US$), the number 67 in total exports, the number 49 in total imports, the number 159 economy in terms of GDP per capita (current US$) and the number 106 most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI). Pakistan exports for 2017 was $25.15B, a 1.32% decline from 2016. However, moving away from Pakistan also gave the country a chance to start afresh on its economic and political identity. converted to U.S. dollars and expressed as a percentage of the average for the base period (2000). Exports: The top exports of Pakistan are House Linens ($3.52B), Rice … Top export destinations of commodities from Pakistan in 2020: USA with a share of 18.6% (4.14 billion US$) China with a share of 8.39% (1.86 billion US$) United Kingdom with a share of 7.76% (1.72 billion … Overview: In 2019 Bangladesh was the number 40 economy in the world in terms of GDP (current US$), the number 52 in total exports, the number 47 in total imports, the number 145 economy in terms of GDP per capita (current US$) and the number 131 most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI). If this happens and the projections are correct, Gupta said, then by the end of this financial year Bangladesh’s per capita income will be higher than India’s. Bangladesh with a GDP of $274B ranked the 44th largest economy in the world, while Vietnam ranked 47th with $245.2B. The USA is Bangladesh’s single largest export destination. Pakistan exports for 2019 was $28.15B, a 0.25% decline from 2018. On the other hand, export earnings from the UK rose by 4.51% to $4.17 billion, which is 10.29% of total exports of Bangladesh. 25% of Bangladesh's total imports are from China, in 2018-19 China's export to Bangladesh was US$13.6 billion whereas Bangladesh's export to China was only $0.56 billion. According Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) data, in the fiscal year 2018-19 Bangladesh earned $40.53 billion, of which $28.89 billion or 71.27% of the total exports came from the USA, Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands and Poland. Of the total amount, $25.53 billion came from the apparel goods. Exports in Pakistan decreased to 254271 PKR Million in May from 336707 PKR Million in April of 2021. Textile is a very vast field and Pakistan is really good at it. Thematic data tables from WDI. The sudden dip in export for FY19 is because the … As such, its labour laws were not as stringent and its economy increasingly involved women in its labour force. The major factor why Bangladesh is progressing faster than Pakistan is due to focus on its economy, health, education and friendly relations with neighbours especially India. Bangladesh is now the world’s second largest apparel exporter after mighty China and its entrepreneurs have achieved that with imported machineries and raw materials. In macroeconomic terms, Pakistan’s total exported goods represent 1.7% of its overall Gross Domestic Product for 2019 ($1.202 trillion valued in Purchasing Power Parity US dollars). That 1.8% for exports to overall GDP per PPP in 2019 compares to 2.1% for 2018. Cotton textile and apparel production are the largest industries of Pakistan. CSV XML EXCEL. In 2020, the share of ready-made garment (RMG) exports in Bangladesh amounted to approximately 83 percent of the total exports. According to provisional State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) data, textile exports were slightly lower at $9.59 billion in July-March 2012-13 compared with $9.792 billion in the same period of previous year. Much of this growth owes to exports which zoomed from zero in 1971 to $35.8bn in 2018 (Pakistan’s is $24.8bn). By GDP 5-years average growth and GDP per capita, Bangladesh and Vietnam ranked 10th vs 17th and 155th vs 138th, respectively. UNCTAD's export value indexes are reported for most economies. Pakistan’s GDP growth has gradually increased since 2012, and was 5.3% in 2017. The country has experienced rapid economic growth in recent years mainly driven by exports of readymade-garments and remittances from migrant workers. DataBank. Pakistan's exports 2020 by country .

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